How To Create A DaYZ Server For FREE!!!

How To Create A DaYZ Server For FREE!!!

#Create #DaYZ #Server #FREE


Hey guys, just a little tutorial on how to make your own Local and Community Server for DaYZ to play by yourself with friends etc.


The Start.bat you’ll need to begin your DaYZ Server Journey. Copy&Paste this into a Notepad Doc. (Start.bat).

@echo off
::Server name
set serverName=yourname
::Server files location
set serverLocation=”C:DayZServer_x64″
::Server Port
set serverPort=2302
::Server config
set serverConfig=serverDZ.cfg
::Logical CPU cores to use (Equal or less than available)
set serverCPU=4
::Sets title for terminal (DONT edit)
title %serverName% batch
::DayZServer location (DONT edit)
cd “%serverLocation%”
echo (%time%) %serverName% started.
::Launch parameters (edit end: -config=|-port=|-profiles=|-doLogs|-adminLog|-netLog|-freezeCheck|-filePatching|-BEpath=|-cpuCount=)
start “DayZ Server” /min “DayZServer_x64.exe” -config=%serverConfig% -port=2302 -profiles=Profilesfolder “-mod=” -cpuCount=%serverCPU% -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
::Time in seconds before kill server process (14400 = 4 hours)
timeout 10800
taskkill /im DayZServer_x64.exe /F
::Time in seconds to wait before..
timeout 10
::Go back to the top and repeat the whole cycle again
goto start


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