It is possible to host a #website using only an #IP.

It is possible to host a #website using only an #IP. #Google search “index of Softwares”. #shorts

#host #website

“ingenious academy”

This video is a tutorial on how to host a website from your own computer for free. The video walks you through the steps of installing a web server, database management system, and WordPress. It also shows you how to configure a custom domain name for your website.

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Here are the steps involved in hosting a website from your own computer according to the video:

Install a web server like Apache
Install a database management system like MySQL
Download and extract the WordPress source code
Move the WordPress source code to the appropriate location on your web server
Create a database for your website in MySQL
Configure WordPress with the database information
Set up a custom domain name for your website using a service like Packet Trioth
Edit the WordPress configuration file to point to your custom domain name
The video also mentions that you…


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