python create server

python create server

#python #create #server


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Certainly! Creating a server in Python is a common task, and you can achieve this using the built-in http.server module. The module provides classes for implementing basic HTTP servers that can serve static files or generate dynamic content. In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple HTTP server using Python.
Start by importing the http.server module. This module provides basic classes for implementing web servers.
A request handler processes HTTP requests. The SimpleHTTPRequestHandler class from the http.server module can handle basic GET requests and serve static files.
Create a server instance using the socketserver module. You can use TCPServer for basic HTTP servers.
To start the server, call the serve_forever() method on the server instance. This will continuously listen for incoming requests until the user interrupts the program (e.g., by pressing Ctrl+C).
Save the script with a .py extension (e.g., and run it using the command:
Your server should be up and running.
Change the Port:
You can change the port variable to use a different port number.
Custom Request Handler:
If you need to customize how requests are handled, you can create your own request handler class by…


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