VITAMIN D ANTI INFLAMMATORY REGIMEN – Boost your Health & Control your Cluster or Migraine Headache

Podcast with Pete Batcheller aka Batch – the retired Navy Fighter Pilot and cluster headache sufferer that designed the Vitamin D Anti Inflammatory Regimen for Cluster & Migraine Headache.

Disclaimer: This is not intended as medical advice. This is provided for educational purposes only. Always discuss any health concerns you may have with your trusted medical professional.

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I found Pete’s regimen back in 2015, I was in a very dark place with cluster headache and within 8 days of starting the regimen – my cluster headaches stopped, I hugged my wife and I got my life back. I have since followed Pete’s work and delved into the mechanism of action for Vitamin D, not only as it relates to cluster and migraine headache but a whole plethora of other health conditions – once the veil is lifted; it is quite literally shocking.

The full regimen is available for review and download at the Vitamin D Wiki.

00:00:00 Podcast Introduction & Disclaimer
00:01:55 Introduction & background – Pete Batcheller aka “Batch”
00:08:07 The Vitamin D Anti Inflammatory Regimen for Cluster & Migraine Headache
00:10:11 The Regimen – How does it work? Mechanism of action
00:13:24 Vitamin D & Genes
00:17:07 Vitamin D & Neuro-peptides associated with cluster headache
00:22:37 How many people have benefited from the regimen?
00:26:57 Chronic sufferers & migraineurs – do they benefit as well as Episodic sufferers?
00:31:31 Common objections – why aren’t more people trying this?
00:37:35 Safety – is the regimen safe? What are the safety considerations?
00:38:26 Vitamin D3 – isn’t that what they use to kill rats? It’s a rodenticide!
00:39:17 Safety – can you take the regimen alongside other cluster / migraine medications?
00:41:59 Safety – any other medical conditions to consider? Chemotherapy and Vitamin D3?
00:45:58 Testing & Safety – Parathyroidism? Hypercalcemia? Adenomas and Vitamin D3?
00:48:12 Vitamin D, Parathyroid Hormone & Calcium Homeostasis
00:48:52 Converting lab results! ng/ml to nmol/L
00:49:40 Vitamin D – Deep Dive
00:56:32 Vitamin D3 vs Vitamin D2
00:57:35 Vitamin D Regimen – Daily vs Weekly Dosing?
01:01:13 Co-factors of Vitamin D
01:16:03 Vitamin D Regimen – Loading Dose
01:21:47 Dose Response Variation to Vitamin D
01:31:13 Non-responders to the Vitamin D Regimen
01:37:35 Vitamin D Regimen – “The Full Monty”
01:44:39 Vitamin D Regimen – Water!
01:45:15 Vitamin D Regimen – Keto / Atkins Diet
01:52:10 Conclusion – Follow up material for neurologists, doctors, clinicians?
01:54:21 Craig, personal thoughts
01:54:54 Pete, personal thoughts
01:57:14 No sign-up now, no subscription to buy – just free knowledge
02:06:46 Vitamin D Wiki
02:06:58 Thank-you to Pete Batcheller for his contributions. What an amazing man. *cries


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