One "Linux Mint" with KDE ??

It’s not exactly Linux Mint with KDE but it’s pretty close. Feren OS is a distro created by a British (I understand that it is created by a single person). It uses Ubuntu 20.04 as a base (same as mint) and many Mint tools. If this distro had the colors, logos and themes of mint… could it fool many users into believing that it really is Mint with KDE community version, or not? According to their page: “Feren OS is a great looking distro that is ideal for people switching from Windows to Linux.” History: Feren OS was started in 2014 as a hobby project of a young British student. The first version, released in 2015, already failed during the installation process and was therefore replaced by a new improved version in 2016. Since mid-2017 Feren OS is semi-rolling release using snapshots, this means that not the entire operating system, but only a part of it is continuously updated. Initially Feren OS was based on Linux Mint, but as of November 2020 it is based on Ubuntu. Would you like Mint to release an official version with KDE?


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