A good-for-nothing boy rescues a girl from the belly of a whale. The girl is the strongest fighter in the world, and the two embark on an adventurous journey together! 【Puff puff watch again and again】

廢柴男孩從鯨魚肚子中救出一個女孩,女孩是這個世界最強戰力,兩人一起踏入冒險的旅程! 【噗噗連連看】

#goodfornothing #boy #rescues #girl #belly #whale #girl #strongest #fighter #world #embark #adventurous #journey #Puff #puff #watch


A good-for-nothing boy rescues a girl from the belly of a whale. The girl is the strongest fighter in the world, and the two embark on an adventurous journey together! Hello~ This is Pupu Lianlian who focuses on comic commentary…


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