
I’m Spec Mining on GTX 1060’s in 2024

I’m Spec Mining on GTX 1060’s in 2024

#Spec #Mining #GTX #1060s

“Red Panda Mining”

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  1. I have 8x 1070ti FE & 2x 1070ti EVGA Hybrids I still mine with. These veteran cards are real troopers that keep marching on. It's really sad that EVGA left the GPU market. They held the bar high for quality, performance, and customer care. What can we expect now that the best board partner dropped out of the race?

  2. I built my first rig and it has 2 RTX 2060s in it. Is there a site that will explain how to overclock the cards? A site that tell me what settings to change and what to change them to? Also do you know of any used cards for sale? I think I have room for 4 more cards in the mining case I bought.

  3. I don't understand …
    Why wouldn't you mine Dynex Solve for lower watts and just swap into Novo? You would end up with DOUBLE the amount of coins this way.
    Or what I thought you were going to say is Mine Dynex through unmineable for Neoxa. The efficiency that way the ratio of Coin per Watt is more than 1.03 ! That's 6700XT numbers right there. 323 Neoxa for 312 Watts.

  4. Novo is pure garbage. Its been over a year that those of us that have coins on the core wallet are unable to access the coins as they dont have no wallet. Whats the logic of mining a project that they dont even care to bring a simple working wallet?

  5. My guy will make a video about anything but what he needs to be doing. 20 gpu rig… nope cell phone mining. Needs to run more 30a circuit… nope cpu ming rigs. Needs to run more 30a circuits… nope 580 rig build. Gets 48 3070s for octo miners and needs to run more 30a circuits… nope 1060 rig build. Like what are you doing rpm? And stop telling us you've been busy and thats why you haven't done xy or z. Bro I watch every damn video and you ain't busy. Your just too busy doing everything except what you need to do.๐Ÿ˜‚ also I'd like to point out you needing to run more 30a circuits pre dates kaspa ASICS, evergreen miners, cellphone mining(which you never finished), cpu miners (also not finished๐Ÿ˜‚), and all the amd gpus you bought from hawk ( also not finished). I'm noticing a pattern here.

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