The power consumption of a low-power small host is not low either. PVE/ESXi is 17 watts in standby mode for daily use | Old song with new song…Pentium Gold Medal 7505

低功耗小主机功耗也不低啊,PVE/ESXi日常使用待机17瓦 | 老曲新唱……奔腾金牌7505 六网口小主机开箱体验 | PVE/ESXi系统下稳定度小测验

#power #consumption #lowpower #small #host #PVEESXi #watts #standby #mode #daily #song #song…Pentium #Gold #Medal


Not long after the N100 small host I bought earlier arrived, I bought a 7505 small host with six network ports. Only one of these two will remain in the end. Intel Pentium Gold 7505 small…


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