XCP-NG USB Passthrough

In this video, we show you how to enable USB passthrough for a VM in XCP-NG

The first thing we need to do is to find our USB device’s UUID

Depending on the device you may need to edit the USB policy

Next we need to enable passthrough for the device

Once that’s done we need the Group UUID for the device UUID

Next we need the VM’s UUID

With the Group UUID and VM UUID we then attach the USB device to the VM, BUT, this should be done when the VM is powered off

In contrast, to detach a USB device, the VM must be powered on

NOTE: The USB device’s UUID does not survive a reboot of the hypervisor requiring the USB device to be detached from the VM before the hypervisor reboots, then attached when it is back in operation

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Steps taken
1) Find the UUID
SSH as root into the hyerpvisor the USB device is plugged into and will be running the VM
Run the command
xe pusb-list
Then note down the device’s UUID, for example we get

2) Update the USB Policy if the device is being blocked
If it does not show in the list of devices, run the command
Look for the device’s Vendor ID and Product ID, for example
Bus 001 Device 010: ID 1cf1:0030 Dresden Elektronik
For the above the VID is 1cf1 and the PID is 0030
Edit the USB policy to allow the device to be used
nano /etc/xensource/usb-policy.conf

# USB Hubs (class 09) are always denied, independently of the rules in this file
ALLOW:vid=1cf1 pid=0030 # Dresden Elektronik, ConBee II
DENY: vid=17e9 # All DisplayLink USB displays

In the above example we added a new a line after the comments and above the first DENY entry to allow our USB device to be used
Run the following command to get the hypervisor UUID
xe host-list
For example we get, 6dfa4a8d-a1fc-4934-957a-823fe49b3674
Then run the following command to parse the config file on that host
xe pusb-scan host-uuid=6dfa4a8d-a1fc-4934-957a-823fe49b3674
Now run a scan for USB devices with debug enabled
/opt/xensource/libexec/usb_scan.py -d
This should return a list of allowed devices, which includes the one we added
Now we can find the UUID of the device
xe pusb-list

3) Enable paassthrough for the device
We need to run a command to set the enable passthrough parameter, for example
xe pusb-param-set uuid=dc9cc587-af5b-4ada-8b67-677040f24570 passthrough-enabled=true

4) Find the Group UUID
We need the group UUID to attach the USB device so run the following command to find that
xe usb-group-list PUSB-uuids=dc9cc587-af5b-4ada-8b67-677040f24570
For example we get, 2a78463d-9868-484c-bfe9-a7a90197d512

5) Find the VM UUID
To attach a USB device we need to know the VM’s UUID. To find that run the following command
xe vm-list
You should be able to identify the VM by it’s name
As example the UUID might be, 481cfa4c-5d58-45aa-9621-1e1ec7726022

6) Attach the USB device
With the group UUID and VM UUID, we can now attach the device using the command
BUT make sure the VM is turned off first
xe vusb-create usb-group-uuid=2a78463d-9868-484c-bfe9-a7a90197d512 vm-uuid=481cfa4c-5d58-45aa-9621-1e1ec7726022
This returns a VUSB UUID for example 70fee3d2-d442-4d21-91e5-788035017d2f

Power on the device and check the USB device is recognised. If not it may need drivers installing

The device’s UUID does not survive a reboot of the hypervisor and the VM will be missing the USB device as a result
Make sure to detach the USB device first
xe vusb-unplug uuid=70fee3d2-d442-4d21-91e5-788035017d2f
xe vusb-destroy uuid=70fee3d2-d442-4d21-91e5-788035017d2f
Power off the VM, reboot the hypervisor and repeat the above steps to re-attach the device with its new UUID

LoveLife | Instrumental Prod. Blue Mango | EQMUSEQ.COM by Don Da Vinci

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XCP-NG USB Passthrough

00:00 Intro
00:35 Overview
01:05 Find USB UUID
03:31 Update USB Policy
11:13 Enable Passthrough
12:22 Find Group UUID
13:35 Find VM UUID
14:28 Attach USB Device
18:00 Check device in OS
19:29 Set Host Affinity
21:49 Detach USB Device
24:39 USB Maintenance
30:27 Troubleshoot USB Policy


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