




We’re back to Mining Mechs — Can we dig deep enough to find radioactive materials?!
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  1. Hi blitz so there was a space game and you used to have a humongous series on it. The only thing I’m wondering about is what it was what it was called you get to choose your character and you would get upgrades for your character that could stack and you could get these, mainly from treasure chests occasionally you would get upgrades from eliminating monsters and you, and like I said you had a humongous series so all I wanna know is what the game was called although I really would like you to keep playing the game. It was amazing. Byeeeeeeeeeee

    Edit please upvote this worked kinda hard

  2. There are a few ways you can legally own uranium. There are a few ores you can collet like pitchblende, or you can get old glassware. "Fiesta Ware" ceramics used uranium in their glaze, or there is greenish uranium glass that fluoresces under a blacklight. Getting it in metallic form is rather more difficult, and is usually a case of making trades with people. Depleted uranium counterweights are used in some aerospace applications as its high density means small size, its also sometimes used as a radiation shield. While not quite as bad as mercury or cadmium, it is still considered a toxic heavy metal, so please do not taste the material.

  3. Actually, yes, you can get uranium ore. Pretty easily too. I have a few chunks of it myself for farting around with in a homemade cloud chamber I had a while back. It's pretty safe. I mean, I wouldn't go walking around with it in your pocket all day, especially if you plan on having children/more children anytime in the future. But it's otherwise safe to have. Wrapping it in aluminum foil will keep the tiny amount radiation it does give off contained, at least with the relatively small chunks you find for sale in various places.

  4. Yay another episode! Thanks for playing my game again Blitz <3

    For anyone interested in the game; Mining Mechs also features 8 player online multiplayer and is only a couple bucks on Steam!

  5. Since we get a vid about uranium mining

    Well, I don't know, but I've been told
    Uranium ore's worth more than gold
    Sold my Cad', I bought me a Jeep
    I've got that bug and I can't sleep
    Uranium fever has done and got me down
    Uranium fever, it's spreadin' all around
    With a Geiger counter in my hand
    I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
    Uranium fever has done and got me down
    Well, I had talk with the AEC
    And they brought out some maps that looked good to me
    And one showed me a spot that he said he knowed
    So, I straddled my Jeep and headed down the road
    I reckon I drove about 100 miles
    Down a bumpy road out through the wilds
    When all of sudden I bounced to a stop
    At the foot of a mountain, didn't have no top
    Uranium fever has done and got me down
    Uranium fever it's spreadin' all around
    With a Geiger counter in my hand
    I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
    Uranium fever has done and got me down
    Well, I took my Geiger and I started to climb
    Right up to the top where I thought I'd find
    A hunk of rock that would make it click
    Just like I'd read about Vernon Pick
    On the second day, I made the top
    And I'm tellin' you, Steve, I was ready to stop
    The only clickin' that I heard that day
    Was the bones in my back that had gone astray
    Uranium fever has done and got me down
    Uranium fever is spreadin' all around
    With a Geiger counter in my hand
    I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
    Uranium fever has done and got me down
    Well, you pack up your things, you head out again
    Into some unknown spot where nobody's been
    You reach the spot where your fortune lies
    You find it's been staked by 17 other guys
    Well, I ain't kiddin', I ain't gonna quit
    That bug's done caught me and I've been bit
    So, with a Geiger counter and a pick in my hand
    I'll keep right on stakin' that government land
    Uranium fever has done and got me down
    Uranium fever is spreadin' all around
    With a Geiger counter in my hand
    I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
    Uranium fever has done and got me down

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