
How to Self Host and Install Immich Photo Server on

How to Self Host and Install Immich Photo Server on Unraid

#Host #Install #Immich #Photo #Server


We all love self hosting. Immich allows you to have a cloud like photo service that is hosted on your own server in your #homelab. In this video we walk through how to install the Immich docker container along with the Redis and Postgress containers that are needed to run. We also walk through…



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  1. Great Video! One workaround to have the ability to delete photos and maintain better control over things is to create albums from the web interface when you are on the system you've pooled your files on. If you add an album and "add files from computer" it allows you to then delete the photos. Also this worked much better since i had all my photos organized into folders. If importing as instructed in the video, you basically had to start from scratch again with organizing into albums. Another lesson learned is you should have all your photos organized and oriented correctly before putting them on Immich (lack of editing). Thank you so much! I can see this being a great long term solution!

  2. yes, please do an update with QuickSync or Nvidia GPU to explain why and how to use GPU. I'm not sure what that would do for me, other than speed up the import process by building proxy or low res versions of the videos as they are imported.

  3. This app is fantastic. After playing with it a bit, I became a sponsor. I'd love to see it catch on more. I'm currently spec'ing out a new server build using NVME as the /thumbs and /uploads and then HDD for the originals. They are actively improving the software with updates.

  4. Great video! I've successfully installed the system, and it's running smoothly. I have a question regarding the external library. I currently have a Synology NAS connected to my Unraid server, and I've been using Synology Moments. However, it's quite slow due to the NAS hardware limitations. My plan is to utilize The Immich on my Unraid server, which has more resources and a faster cache. I intend to use the NAS for secondary long-term storage in RAID.

    I added my Synology NAS as a new external library and ran the import by rescanning all library files. The process is now complete, but I'm hesitant to delete the external library because I received a warning: "Are you sure you want to delete this library? This will DELETE all 40342 contained assets and cannot be undone."

    Am I correct in understanding that the system didn't actually import my files but rather added the external library to the pool? This wasn't my intention; I want to move/merge/migrate my 200 GiB photo library with this system and no longer use Synology Moments.

  5. It would have been awesome if It could work with Google coral TPU.
    I have been using it for the last month running on my RPi4 since the main proxmox server motherboard died .

  6. Thank you for another clear and instructive video. I like your step by step directions( really helpful for a novice like me). I will start experimenting with immich now. Please keep on making more videos related to interesting apps on unraid. ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. I just got this up and running last week and am very impressed how quick things load. I'm now on a mission to collect, consolidate, and organize all family photos and videos and setting up a cloud backup with backblaze b2.

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