
Global Lab Fiasco | Old Moon Podcast Ep. 40

Global Lab Fiasco | Old Moon Podcast Ep. 40

#Global #Lab #Fiasco #Moon #Podcast





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  1. idk why you are saying mobile makes more money than PC (and by a lot too) even though its not the case and PA themselves report it lol. bdo mobile is like 1/5th of pc at best

  2. The issue with pvp is simple. Some classes have had too much protection and movement compared to others. Witches and succ rangers damage for their inability to survive is a meme. You claim the issue is damage? Double theit burst and I might believe it. Truth is, as any witch main will tell you, you cant peel away. Same with succ ranger. Balancing is easy. For pve and pvp. The data is clear. Look at zerker massive grind numbers compared to kuno and either nerf those top classes closer to the kuno loot or drastically buff the kuno and like classes damage, ranges and movements. Because the issue isnt jist damage numbers. Thats one ofnfour variables.

  3. The pve buff needs to be done. My guardian makes 30% more than my ranger awakening and it's 6x the work. I am not saying they must be equal. But it shouldn't be more than a 10% gap. It's insane knowing now that for year's I got 20-30% less return for my time.

  4. Blondbear made sense, list how many cc frontals makes a class op, compare to others and your mind will blow. But the average pvp monkey is cool abusing the same 3 op classes they've played since Launch lol

  5. Also, they keep buffing awk nova for some reason, like the only reason sheā€™s no fotm is cos of her apm, but itā€™s not even that bad 5 hours of grinding orcs on awk nova Iā€™m already pulling 33k trash, which is a whole 1k more trash than my usual grinder(succ meagu) who Iā€™ve been playing since her release, so at this point Iā€™m convinced that a nova main is responsible for all the balance changes sheā€™s received in the past 4+months lol at this point Iā€™m trolling myself for not rerolling to her cos I donā€™t see her getting any nerfs in the future, no one in KR even plays her like bro I donā€™t get this game sometimes man

  6. Iā€™m still not gonna roll off awk drak lol, they can keep buffing all these other characters but whatā€™s the point in playing any of them when in can just engage from render distance, kill at least 3 people and get out, all while being protected for the most part lol, itā€™s the perfect class for pvp, even in 1v1 unless my opponent knows my class as well as I do I just feel like they canā€™t compete with me unless they outgear me a stupid amount cos I can still kill all these 700gs pve Andyā€™s grinding in arsha thinking theyā€™re safe lmao

  7. Also, Artifacts came from mobile and has WAAAAY more customizability for classes w/ imprints aka Addons 3.0(Crit Chance Reduction, Vampire Builds) fyi…Mobile butchers PC in PVP combat too, still waiting on 1v1 PVP, mobiles had it for years….

  8. Option 4, none of the above. PA needs to adopt a Balance Wheel method, like they have on Char Create, but actually accurate. This in addition to a Skill Balance Point system(100 Points available – 1 Grab 15 Points + 1 Blink Movement 10 Points etc) needs to be implemented. They seriously need to go in to a true balance system where all classes have a set limit evenly distributed and not exceeding a certain skill point limit, none of this bullshit of overloading one classes kit w/ pure bullshit and skimping on others….if tanky, less damage. If high damage less defense etc….Determine what each type of skill is worth point wise and balance ALL classes around it. None of this piecemeal shit they've been doing…don't be afraid to nerf.

  9. How about each class have to swap to PVP mode when they flag or into pvp content. When in the mode damage, protection, and other effects would change accordingly. That way pve can be protected as they envision it, and pvp will be in it's happy place. A change to one wouldn't effect the other. If someone just flags on you and attacks while you're in pve (by default) you could set it to auto change to pvp mode or make it to where you would take less damage until you enter the mode. The two modes do less damage to each other and the only way to go back to pve mode would be to either go back to town or channel swap or wait 2mins.

  10. I heard on stream you get hate for these types of video. So I wanted to push for you to keep them up!
    Not just because I am soaking up your content! But for me I enjoy the conversations of you 3 with siding on both pve and pvp sides. But mostly I feel its a nicer balance of pve and pvp ideas I feel the pve isnt as vocal as the pvp side. Also having a lore guy really helps!

  11. The PVP will never be "Balance" whether they remove/add super armors, frontal guards, grabs, invincibility etc…, in the end the PVP will never be balanced.

    In the end people will still complain about their class being nerfed or being jealous to other classes because it got buffed etc…

    Also, there are other ways to try "Balancing" classes in the game without just adding or removing super armors, frontal guards or grabs, nerfing or buffing movement speed/skills…

    PA should not just look and check those things, there are probably other ways, example: they can check every class stat, modifiers, skills, passives, buffs, etc…, they should think outside the box…

    FYI as well, this game take "SKILL" in PVP, even if you are playing with a meta or best class in the game but you suck playing it, then there is no hope of helping you.

    Complain -> Developers will check -> Developers will buff/nerf -> Others will get angry/jealous -> [Back to Complain]

    A never ending cycle…

  12. I hate 2 things about PvP in bdo:
    Q blocks with SA and grabs. Imo it makes the game boring, warrior gameplay sucks to everyone that has to fight againts it (i'm saying warrior but same applies to all super protected classes). He just sits in Q block and can't get cc'd cuz he also has SA, so if your class doesn't have a grab you can only dps him on the back to try to kill him but he just turns his camera and he is protected again, and if you get too close to him he will grab you… if he fails the grab he just sits in Q until his cd comes back.
    So, PA solution was to think: "hey, let's make everyone have grabs so they could counter warriors"… OR… my solution is: you could simply make warrior less protected to remove all grabs from the game.
    Adding more protections and more grabs is a mistake because there are classes that move at 100mph or have a lot of iframes (i also think having too much iframes is bad for the game, and i'm a sorc main tho, but sorc is asthmatic and doesn't have a grab… yet), would be to easy for them to land the grab or too hard for other classes to grab them, so that means they would have to re-rework ALL classes in the game, make every class slower, remove some iframes, etc…
    What i'm saying is that PA should add GAPS to all classes, is easier to balance and it let us have a chance to outplay anyone with or without a grab.

  13. Blondbear- I love your takes, but you drag on too long. Keep it short and to the point and youā€™ll be a great podcaster. Also, allowing others to talk and finish their point is also important.

  14. They could just keep the upcoming changes, the SA/CC changes, negate like 1 or 2 SA per class, replace those 1 or 2 SA with a forward guard, remove all grabs, remove resistances, force us to punish forward guards but have some SA/iframes for trades

  15. Um… 1 person in charge of all class balance this is a bad system, if that one person had his own opinion on that one class it will ruined other class also if he love on that class that class 100% go meta if he hate on that class that class will be not able to do she he jobs in any thing then life skill to dead

  16. Should have added a pvp person to the podcast to even out the cast inatead of the whole cast does nothing but pve to get a new perspective from all sides and how it effects them.

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