
New Groundbreaking Research, Anthrobots, Hyper-Embryos | Michael

New Groundbreaking Research, Anthrobots, Hyper-Embryos | Michael Levin

#Groundbreaking #Research #Anthrobots #HyperEmbryos #Michael

“Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal”

Groundbreaking new research by Michael Levin is being announced here for the first time. This is along with the first authors Angela Tung and Gizem Gumuskaya of the research, on their respective research papers. I’m honored to bring this to you, for the first time as a world…



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  1. Keep in mind, we're dealing with TWO innovations here. Angela Tung is the first co-author on the Hyper-Embryo paper, and Gizem Gumuskaya is the first co-author on the Anthrobot paper. This is huge news for both of these young women. To those who don't know, it's significant be a first co-author. Especially on research like this. Especially at their age. Congratulations to them both.
    – [HYPER-EMBRYOS PAPER] Angela Tung, Michael Levin, et al: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-44522-2
    – [ANTHROBOT PAPER] Gizem Gumuskaya, Michael Levin, et al: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202303575
    – CORRECTION: The Hyper-Embryo paper announced in https://youtu.be/hG6GIzNM0aM is in Nature Communications (not "NATURE").

  2. Fascinating! Ground breaking indeed and somewhat terrifying due to the self replicating/healing entities in sci-fi being generally bad (Stargate SG1 & Atlantis series come to mind). This is the kind of "tech" people think we're too dumb to come up with on our own so it must've been back-engineered/gifted UFO/alien tech, so I love that they broke it here and broke it down to stave off conspiracy theorists. I can't believe the likes to views ratio… Something's wrong with that.

  3. Somebody please buy Dr. Levin a new webcam! For gods sake, this is a pain to look at, which is sad, because I absolutely love to hear him speak. He's brilliant in my view and I would be surprised, if he didn't get his Nobel price pretty soon – hopefully.

  4. It would have been nice if you could have asked about possible unexpected consequences resulting from this technology or its potential to be used as a bioweapon. I'm glad that we're hearing about it, and I understand why they would be excited about their "baby," but I would feel better if they were both excited and terrified.

  5. So thanks for an amazing episode, Mike’s work and that of his students and collaborators is endlessly fascinating. The only application mentioned that I doubt is space construction. While the cells indeed weigh next to nothing, growing the bricks would require an equivalent amount of food ( actually somewhat more) which runs you into the same mass/ gravity well problem if I’m not mistaken.

  6. The moment a particle is a wave; it has to be a conscious wave!
    Nicola Tesla states, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
    think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”

    Gravity is the conscious attraction among waves to create the illusion of particles,
    and creates our experience-able Universe.
    Max Planck states: "Consciousness is fundamental and matter is derived from Consciousness".

    Life is the Infinite Consciousness, experiencing the Infinite Possibilities, Infinitely.
    We are "It", experiencing our infinite possibilities in our finite moment.
    Our job is to make it interesting!

  7. Curt my brother, friend, I beg of you, as another being and one that cares about existence, ponder on this please…

    Everything is a byproduct of an organism’s awareness of itself. The awareness of the self is the source from which everything emerges. The moment the wave collapses is the moment the properties of the wave become the properties of the particle.

    The self is the source from which everything emerges. Our limited awareness of self will be the reason why we will never discover an agreed-upon theory. If we do find a theory, it will only be a theory that’s widely accepted among a group of those who think they’re qualified to discover it. Ironically enough, that is the exact same reason why that theory will never truly cover everything because it won’t capture the attention of everyone, particularly the essence of the true self.

    This theory, discovered now, will ever fully capture everything if that theory doesn’t contain the theory of everything that already existed because any true theory of everything can’t ever have not existed.

    And that is my theory of everything that everybody has missed regarding the theory of everything.

    I want to leave people with a question: I wonder how many people see duality being the culprit as to why this theory seems so distant, or our ignorance as to how much we are already connected to our external environment. How math and science were birthed from this place of disconnect, and how AI and some concept of a singularity are real and may very well transcend our idea of what everything actually is and the potential of what it will be. These are things and ideas we haven’t yet discovered, and any attempt to trap infinity in an understanding is impossible considering it is always unraveling.

    The minute we unite beyond duality is the minute we will no longer even need a theory and will find ourselves in constant harmony with source beyond duality. So in other words, duality is why we are after a TOE, will never actually discover a TOE, and before we know it, that question will evaporate into the eternity we will again unite with because of an intelligence we labeled artificial. Oh, the irony of humanity.

  8. Dear Curt, I would like to pass the following comment to Angela, Gizem, and Michael

    "Where is the Information?"

    Dear Gizem, Angela, and Michael

    My conviction is that the information is not transmitted through a Ca++ pulse, nor specific signals. These signals trigger a reaction, an action. But the information must be in the Configuration of the Ensemble, in the Configuration of the Collective, or the Macromolecular Configuration, at each particular time point. Sure there will be many types of signals, with different consequences, in subtle ways and so on, but a whole subtle language?

    As with so many processes, there is energy, there are constraints, atributes and properties of the "agents", and a certain order or pattern emerges from the rules. These configurations provide new constraints iteratively.

    I am not a fan of Cellular Automata, but at each time step the information is not contained in the rule alone, it is contained in the step according to the rule, in context, in the configuration of the whole at that particular time point.

    Best, Luis.

  9. Congratulations to all three and the two. As stupid as this may sound and it it, I have developed a definite reaction to this upward tilt in cadence and tone. I will read the papers. Congratulations, again.

  10. Even though I'm not a biologist, this was so interesting! As I listened, these flash questions came to me on how the principles they were talking about with a single embryo compared to a group of embryos could be applied to humanity in general, our behaviors, and the collective communication that happens within humankind's collective consciousness. Some very interesting thought experiments came out of that. Back to their direct topic, who else is as great a Michael Levin fan as I am? Thank you, once again, Curt for bringing an interesting topic to us and posing thoughtful questions in such a way that engages even the 'outsiders' like myself. Kudos.

  11. I've never been overly interested in biology until I saw the first episode of TOE with Michael. His work is incredibly interesting and could be a huge leap forward for humanity. Thanks again Curt, for getting such great people and preparing so thoroughly while giving your guests the freedom to tell their own story.

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