
Investing in African Mining Indaba | President

Investing in African Mining Indaba | President Ramaphosa delivers keynote address

#Investing #African #Mining #Indaba #President

“SABC News”

President Cyril Ramaphosa is delivering the keynote address at the Investing in African Mining Indaba in Cape Town.
The annual event provides a platform for deal-making and discussions on critical mining issues.
The theme for 2024 is, “Embracing the Power of Positive Disruption: A bold new…



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  1. For those of concerned about โ€œ empty promises Cyrilโ€ take some solace from the fact that although statistically he is the worst president the ANC has given SA its citizens. Even worse than Jacob Zuma but Cyril will be infinitely better than the next president. After all look who he has chosen as his deputies David Mabuza and Paul Mashitile The less said the better

    I guess when we goes and it seems he canโ€™t wait, his successorโ€™s will ensure wholesale incompetence and corruption


    Indeed Nelson

  2. exporting precious metals 60% ??? of GDP . That makes no sense. I am just an average person but even I know that precious metals are NORMALLY used to back the value of currency which in turn supports the ability to maintain and build infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, police, schools and such. Make it make sense . That's working backwards.

  3. Openheimers were involved in supporting one side in the Rwandan uncivil war, it is high time they were pushed out along with Debeers. You should be able to mine and control your diamonds and gold instead of these looters.

  4. No investor will consider working in SA with the Bee bull$hit, and mafia squads demanding 30% for free, many mining companies have already left because of unions and stupid regulations

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