
An Unexpectedly Rich Mine Exploring Area

An Unexpectedly Rich Mine Exploring Area

#Unexpectedly #Rich #Exploring #Area

“TVR Exploring”

When we’re driven out of the highest reaches of the Sierra Nevadas by snow, we must normally content ourselves with international trips or desert trips (the odd winter trip to Alaska notwithstanding)… However, we recently started looking into an area in the lower parts of the Sierra Nevada…



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  1. 25:00 thought that was just a drive chain at first, but looking closer, I see eyelets to install pads as though that is for a dozer or something like that with propper tracks. although I think they would not be that tightly spaced as It seems. maybe for a paddle system like a scooper dredge

  2. Hi Justin & crew, Wow that 1st mine was really colourful, a shame that one was just filled with as it would have made for a cool explore.
    Thank you for sharing, much love. xx

  3. 30:00 That mud is new mineral seeping up out of the depths of the mountain.

    While its probably too fine to recover by any normal methods, its likely packed with nano-fine ['colloidal'] sized particles of gold.

  4. 12:00 I found myself tipping my head as if I could lower my point of view.

    It is strange.

    I finally caught myself about 12:25 but even then it was hard to not keep tipping my head, even though intellectually I know I can't change the point of view on a flat monitor.

  5. Love these really out of the way old mines!
    When you punched a hole in the root mat and the water started draining, my first thought was … Where is it coming out down the hill? At 27:36 it looked like a serious pin embedded in the top of a big Boulder .. maybe tram to the valley floor?
    Thanks for sharing 🇨🇦

  6. Cute that dog likes a ride and is sensiblle enough to sit in the backpack, I had one when I was a teen that ran easily 3 times the distance we walked , she needed a shoulder ride off the Snowdon horseshoe in north wales just after we hit the top…She decided shoulder rides were worth a lot after that.
    That looked like a potentially still profitable mine, I wonder if the US government will ever allow any prospecting in them
    that at 25.00 is a cast iron agricultural chain so they must have been using off the shelf parts to power something "home made" to do who knows what..they run large cogs and transfer wheels such as you see on potato planters and traction engines…given that it was attached to some sort of bucket it could have been a slusher or for lifting ore up a shaft
    thats a lot of infrastucture for what must have been a huge amount of workings underground

    The 4 years after view looks a lot like Mount St Helens or Tunguska

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