
Frostblink Ignite Elementalist League Start Guide | 3.24

Frostblink Ignite Elementalist League Start Guide | 3.24 Necropolis

#Frostblink #Ignite #Elementalist #League #Start #Guide


The buffs to this build through Call to Arms and Frostblink were really nice, excited to league start with this build guide!
2nd YT:



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  1. why exactly do i need firetrap ? you can only have one ignite and one burning ground anways right ?
    soo, having somehting like cwdt flame surge / wave of convic does the same job or am i missing something ?
    i played pure frostblink two times now and never understood why ppl get firetrap ? like i get it if u use fire trap 6l and 4l frostblink for movement and a little clear vs trash but if u NOT use 6l fire trap and btw if u go down to that overcharged node to get ether 3%damage per charge or if ur struggeling with the charges 100%chance duration mastery and also grap magebane/ profance chemesty and the 100%inc flask charges from mobs if they are affected by (ignite in this case) its crazy good honestly. try it once you will never play without it every after it, 100%is ALOT for one point. also the 50% inc life flask heal is alot too.

  2. I don't know how to speak English so I don't understand the video very well, sorry :/ but I would like to clear 2 doubts. Why does your skill return so quickly? and how does she have all this AOE? thank you very much

  3. Followed your SRS Guarding in 3.23 although i started towards the end of season it was still fun since this was my first time playing PoE. I wanted to ask will you add this build on maxroll?

  4. Played your SRS build last league and your update videos the first month of the season were great. It was the first time in years i actually felt like i knew wtf i was supposed to do after finishing red maps to bridge the gap to ubers. Had a lot of fun. Gonna follow this build too, thx for all the hard work dude. keep it up!

  5. Haha I was gonna ask about the maxroll guide but hadnโ€™t finish the video yet! Played your SRS starter for my first league but canโ€™t wait to try this one. Guide was super helpful! Thank you!

  6. Maybe as a suggestion for your next Leagues starter guide: Make a lvl 70-ish (just onspec some points, life per level doesn't matter) showcase in a white map with gear that you craft following a set of rules (example: buy all bases from vendor, scour, use up to 4 essences per slot and craft a non-betrayal craft on the bench, utility flasks only white without quality, lifeflasks rolled for bleed, no jewels whatsoever) on a 4-link. Your trash gear is what I as a casual player or maybe a casual ssf player will realistically achieve after more than 1-2 weeks (I felt a bit like this guy https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4BKkQ0tpjH4 xD)
    The suggested showcase would show gear that is trash even for casual standards and would have the "your experience can only be better than that" vibe which would also be more representative of newer player experience.
    Other than that this looks like a very nice build that I might try next league, thank you very much for your effort of putting this guide together.

  7. You would need to run two different weapon types(like Sceptre + Rune Dagger) for the Dual Wielding Mastery to have any effect. The PoB does not really reflect that now.

  8. Started with LC Elementalist, didn't like it and was dying all the time.

    Then switched to this and holy cow was it smooth. Although it sucked for whisp strat because the single target isn't great.

    But It's my favorite build so far and maybe I'll League Start with this again.

  9. Looking at these comments it seems people STILL don't get it. This build is all about a super fun playstyle. It's got amazing damage on cheap gear, good defenses, but the MAIN thing is that it's immensely fun to frostblink into a pack and BLOW IT THE FUCK UP. Don't try and make it into another ignite or DoT build, that ruins the entire point. You FROSTBLINK into packs and you IGNITE all of them, and it's all about the fact that doing that is a really fun way to kill monsters. Follow the instructions and you get get HUGE ignites and clear maps FAST.

  10. man gotta love how content creators and veteran peoples idea of trash gear is me if i am lucky a couple days into the league XD

    i would kill to have that sort of gear on just day 3

  11. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isnt this just like a RF build with less defenses and only shield charge for mobility? 3.23 was my first league and i got to 50k phys/70k ele/40k chaos max hit w/o molten shell, 10mil dps, crit/ailment/stun immune as RF jugg. It felt comfy.
    Edits: maybe this scales more endgame dmg with more dmg vectors. But will i be able to reach the level of defenses the RF jugg had? Really wanna try something else for experience. But at the same time dont wanna play something that is more squishy

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