
Ore – Mining tutorial on Solana

Ore – Mining tutorial on Solana

#Ore #Mining #tutorial #Solana


I cant put links in the description because my channel is in verification process. And im soory for my french accent and my weird english.

My Helius Referal Code : QaXBPApanU


while true; do
ore –rpc “your rpc url” –keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json –priority-fee…



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  1. I managed to land a transaction but got this error "Failed to get miner account: Error { request: None, kind: RpcError(ForUser("AccountNotFound: pubkey=xxx")) }" any lead ?

  2. i get a "failed to compile failed to compile `ore-cli v0.4.6`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installf7tiSu`.

    To reuse those artifacts with a future compilation, set the environment variable `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` to that path."

    what do i do?

  3. hello? i run this node on Windows but show

    Transaction did not land
    thread 'main' panicked at
    Transaction failed: Error { request: None, kind: Custom("Max retries") }
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    this error 😂😂
    anybody know how to resolve this problem??

  4. I got this error do you know why thanks. Confirms: [None, Some(TransactionStatus { slot: 258455128, confirmations: Some(1), status: Err(InstructionError(2, ComputationalBudgetExceeded)), err: Some(InstructionError(2, ComputationalBudgetExceeded)), confirmation_status: Some(Confirmed) })]
    Transaction landed!
    thread 'main' panicked at src/
    Failed to get miner account: Error { request: None, kind: RpcError(ForUser("AccountNotFound: pubkey=DMWcUsqGXsCPpft846jSRmeLtoDwTbpYqo54ebxP9ji7")) }
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

  5. cool y'a que deux vids pour le moment sur oresupply et l'autre est en chinois.. merci pour le tuto, je m'y met lundi (en deplacement actuel), ca devrait bien m'aider car pour le moment les tuto twitter n'etaient pas les plus clairs.. y'a un discord off ou unofficial ? ou tg histoire d'avoir un peu de support ?

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