
2024 09 15 John Haller’s Prophecy Update “Hyper”

2024 09 15 John Haller’s Prophecy Update “Hyper”

#John #Hallers #Prophecy #Update #Hyper

“Fellowship Bible Chapel”

Everything is speeding up and on fire. John explains with this update entitled “Hyper”



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  1. When you say "freedom of speech," but we will block you from making a comment that goes against our view – aren't you doing the same thing as you accuse Democrats of doing, just on a lessor scale?
    Effectively everyone believes in limited freedom of speech.

  2. Why is the news not saying the dems specifically Biden's words caused the assassination attempt on Trump, biden and others have made dozens of comments, "put him in the bullseye" and so on…FAKE NEWS! The MEDIA IS BOUGHT AND PAID FOR!

  3. Putin has always looked for (or tried to set up) the conditions in the world, especially in Europe, that would "morally justify" his invasion of Europe and further attacks on the West, including the US, and including nukes.

  4. The pope is a heretic – the Quran mentions that Allah is the chief of deceivers. The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is not a God that he should lie. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” (Biblica, Inc., 2011, Numbers 23:19).

    We do not share the same God, therefore what the pope is saying is false – every religion is not a way to Get to the Most High God (Yahweh/Jesus). Furthermore, Yesuah asserts that you can not come to the Father except through him, (Biblica, Inc., 2011, John 14:6). So this further proves that the pope is not speaking the truth, and if he is not speaking the truth then he is of the enemy because he does as his father does – satan was a lie from the beginning and the truth is not in him – John 8:44 (NIV).

  5. What John was discussing and showed the graphics reminds me of the the 1964 film ‘Fail-Safe’ where a group of American nuclear-armed bombers that are accidentally ordered to attack Moscow and cannot be recalled.
    — The one General says something like ‘this is our opportunity to strike first’…It’s a very scary scenario.

  6. I think Israel is going into Southern Lebanon and taking over that territory and that's when Rush is going to get involved.
    I was watching a video of a lot of Jewish people coming to Christ and I started crying, I heard a little voice say, "only 144,000 and We leave!" 😊

  7. Hi John, and thank always for your obedience to the Lord and blessing us. My brother John was there today, he had a job in OH and was happy to join youin service today. We all love you from Calvary Church in Downers Grove. Praying for you John 🙏 and ministries that are bringing forth the truth 🙏

  8. I think since we loaned our money to the bank, the banks will default and promise to pay everyone back with a UBI. When they say they are going to, "bail in the banks" where else can they get the money. Of, declare the dollar is obsolete and come out with a currency which will reside on The XRP ledger. But,

    With the fall of paper money to digits on a screen,
    The Advent of blockchain is arriving on the scene.
    But no worries on my brain with their money on the brink,
    You can't have a chain without a gold and LINK! 😅

  9. Studies show 83% of immigrants show up for their court dates, as of 2021. And I think he knows this, notice he said something like "do you think theyre going to show up?". This encourages the listener to trust their feelings rather than look the info up.

  10. I believe prayer and obedience to God’s word is the only remaining answer to all that we face. It’s becoming worse minute by minute. We must put on the whole armor of God, pray for our leaders, the administration and our friends and families. Also praying for FBC, the Haller family and their media outreach.

  11. The crime rate is down for a number of reasons. 1. As you stated: no arrests or charges – for even violent crimes. 2. Citizens and Cops are getting the book thrown at them. 3. MAGA former criminals are put back into prison for alleged parole violations. 4. People are held unlawfully without charges. 5. Any person not shutting their lips on social media are charged with 3 strikes your out multiple minor crimes. 6. The current Attorney General of California has followed Kamala's great leadership as she set precedence to keep people past their legal mandatory sentences to get free labor for the California Prison Industries (Kamala is the new slave meister). 7. The prosecutors are following Kamala's standards of withholding evidence and fabrication with the help of gender neutral judges; primarily against otherwise honest citizens.DoJ participation is helpful in lying about everything.

    I'm Voting for Trump; however, MAGA is commendable, but a Laodicean fantasy that probably has a low chnace of success. Successful MAGA would only lead to an ungrateful and cold population of more Me, Me, Me. Guilty as charged. 35:42

  12. Marjorie Taylor Green said on X that the whistleblower that said Kamala was leaked the questions of debate just died in a car crash. I am on SC and I found out all you need to register to vote is a photo ID or a utility bill.

  13. Eating pets is the least of their problems. Haiti was consecrated to the devil in it's inception. In the late 1800's they had a revolution and killed all the white people. Voodoo is widely practiced by the majority of Hatians. I've been to Haiti. It's not a place I want to go back to. Yes I feel sorry for the people there but the US cannot afford to take millions more unvetted immigrants from all over the world. We need LEGAL immigration not open borders.

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