
Three FreeBSD 13.2 Overviews | amd64, aarch64 & upgrade

Three FreeBSD 13.2 Overviews | amd64, aarch64 & upgrade

#FreeBSD #Overviews #amd64 #aarch64 #upgrade


In this video we’ll be having a look at the installation and quick setup of a desktop for amd64 and aarch64, and an upgrade of an existing system.
Oh, and a lengthy opinion piece, just to be sure 🙂



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  1. 13.2 fixed some annoying problems, such as firefox/librewolf taking forever to start (amd64), that was a problem from i think 12.0? maybe. It is in general a good upgrade.
    Also there is a "man tuning" that may contain some tips to up the performance of your system.

  2. Keeping dd block size closer to FreeBSD's limit of 128k may help it write faster. As the value gets higher it starts to work on only reading or writing at any moment. You could also read the disk into a buffer and pipe that as input. It matters more for slower drives and larger block sizes, probably much higher to really matter, though I use 1M out of lazyness.
    Unless you are done with the machine, I'd replace the battery, usually a CR2032 if I recall. Usually a spring loaded clip which if you have trouble releasing by hand can be aided with a small screwdriver to push the clip aside. Computers don't normally have any relevant draw on the battery unless unplugged or turned off at the power supply or a connected power strip.
    Password entry showing nothing is a feature; even less details for someone looking over a shoulder to have to figure out what was entered. I touchtype one entry and hunt and peck the next entry to try to avoid typos being repeatable.
    Adding a user to wheel gives it access to many things that root can access. The user doesn't become an administrator but gets access to anything with group wheel permissions set like you see with `ls -l`. video is a newer group which I think is because not all users need to access GUI hardware. Not sure if it has impact on newer hardware driving the terminals too as I don't have that. operator comes in to play for some tasks like disk access.
    In Firefox I think you can still skip the 'setup' steps and just click on the address bar and start typing.
    Older Nvidia hardware may 'usually' be fine but comes with its own issues where for example I get a library error trying to launch pursa-slicer with nvidia-driver-390-390.154. The proper fix is for Nvidia to finish adding code to their driver or to have mesa(?) include modifications to deal with the incomplete driver though there have been several other programs including their own patch to work around this same library issue. I think some of the 710 cards were also using 400 series chips instead of 700 series chips which lead to Nvidia driver support cutting off at a lower version. As Nvidia no longer does feature updates to this device's driver, I don't expect the unfinished egl work to change state. I found the PowerMizer preferred mode tooltip appears and disappears a moment later unlike other tooltips. Do you see the same when you hover your mouse over it?
    Once you have network access, you could ssh into the unit to record from your desktop. Maybe you could do some sort of serial access before that but I'm not familiar with the unit. Recording from the camera when a more direct digital capture didn't work is still appreciated. Did it still not capture after changing HDMI boot setting?
    If you need an older install to test upgrading the OS and packages, you can do an install from older .dvd media which includes its old packages.
    Thanks for another great video.

  3. Do to the unavailability and high cost of of RPI I found myself buying a Orange pi 5 with a Rockchip rk3588s and would like to know if the is any info on running it with FreeBSD?

  4. Thanks RN.
    How about a extensive course in FreeBSD?
    From installing, to configure, commands in shell, installing Desktop, drivers etc.
    I have not found any resource. Every peace has to bee searched.
    Or do you know of one "complete" course?
    I would even pay for such a course 😉

  5. Thanks for your videos, because of you i give freebsd a second chance and now im using it, to be more precise ghostbsd, just loving the os.
    I have my games up and running with suyimazu, wine-proton and steam.

  6. I really love the fact that upgrading FreeBSD is so easy and smooth! Very nice video of you. Hope you could relax a bit over the past few days and restore some energy. See you later then.

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