
Remotely access any system with a PiKVM and Tailscale

Remotely access any system with a PiKVM and Tailscale

#Remotely #access #system #PiKVM #Tailscale


Remotely accessing a physical system as if you are there was the reserve of expensive “server grade” gear until quite recently. PiKVM changes that. In today’s video Alex will walk you through the process of configuring PiKVM with Tailscale, and show you a neat trick to control up to 8 servers at…



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  1. Just realised that I have an actual need for this solution, remotely controlling family machines! Brilliant. Thanks as ever for great video.

  2. I'd really appreciate a bit deeper dive into using Tailscale with docker. The existing video is good, but it seems like the shared network namespace is a hard requirement. I'd like to be able to expose more complex docker networks. Maybe have a proxy service like Caddy with domains to expose a Gitea service and a Drone CI/CD service?

  3. I am pretty sure our PiKVM boxes were one of the very first things Brian McMoses and I were excited about loading up with Tailscale. The PiKVM is already such a fantastic piece of gear, and Tailscale makes it so much more versatile.

  4. I already have a PiKVM for my unRaid server using the Geekworm kit. It works flawlessly. I have another pi running HassOS and acting as a subnet router so this isn't strictly necessary for me but it's good to know it's an option. Can you post the link to the TESmart switcher?

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