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  1. Totally off topic, but related to your comment about all electrical generation is basically how do we boil water to turn turbines…… Have a look at the Helion Fusion Project, they are using the deformation of the magnetic field due to expansion of the plasma in the second stage to directly generate electricity. Nice idea and no water.

  2. I know what mathematicians answer about 0÷0 (2 points on a graph that turn opposite directions and never meet) but no matter how they put it it seems the answer should just… be 0. Think about it; when the calculation is made, nothing happens. It's like having 0 cookies and dividing them to 0 people. It's just, 0.

  3. I believe math is a human creation used to explain and understand reality. My best example for this theory is that negative numbers dont really exist and is just a way to represent removing something or going in the oposit direction.

  4. Didn't find it in top posts so… g is the constant for gravity and is a mesure of acceleration, 9.8m/s^2 in metric and 32.2 ft/s^2 in imperial. Force is a mesure for the effect that acceleration has on an object with mass followinf F=ma the units for masse are kg and slugs for metric and imperial respectivly.

  5. At about 24:32 the force of the bullet will also hit you even when you're like wearing steel plates or ceramic plates, they are basically just made to stop the bullet from penetrating you. You still can and probably will break your ribs no matter what.
    Some plates like ceramic may take a little force off of the bullet because it breaks after being shot but i'm not sure 'bout that.
    Y'all can correct me if i'm wrong

  6. 10:41 I believe this is a speed of light joke because if something is going the speed of light as it passes/ ages it changes colors and sizes that’s how we’re able to tell the age and distance are rly far out planets and galaxies

  7. 32:35 learning quantum physics just because youre curious daring are we?
    be careful i heard alot of scientist end themself trying to undertand it… just like they say curiosity killed the cat… or maybe dont…? i think i'm confused it with something else???

  8. 10:45 Scientists don't say that …. they say to stop dumping garbage in the Ocean of any kind ….. scientists are quite aware of how useful plastic is in many areas …… they didn't bring us paper straws …. business scammers did.

  9. There are indeed more hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water than there are stars in our solar system. There are 2 hydrogen atoms in a single molecule of water which is more than the single star in our solar system (the Sun).

  10. Ah, the giant mirror to see 20 years into the past, but not only would you have to place it in the right spot, but you would also have to aim it to the spot in the universe where Earth was at that time. Stuff in space moves FAST and if I remember correctly, space itself is actually expanding faster than the speed of light, so there is some light that will never reach us because the space is expanding faster than would be allowed for the light to even reach us.

  11. Yeah, the blue car, red car one is referring to the whole Doppler effect and using how red or blue an object is (like stars, for example) to determine if the object is moving away or toward you.

  12. ft/s^2 is ft/s/s or acceleration so yes the g in that equation is indeed gravity, namely the acceleration under earths gravity. i dont understand the rest of the meme tho cause im not american so i know it as 9.8m/s^2

  13. 19:44 this raised something in my mind, if the wind blows the other way the fans are designed to be able to spin to the same direction no matter the wind direction, the fan will continue because it was already spinning, or it will start to spin to the other direction like nothing happened?

  14. 13:05 my pet parrot definitely knows what it means when it’s talking it will ask for food when it wants food. It will say it’s ready to go to bed when it’s ready to go to bed. It’ll tell us when it wants to come out of its room. And much more.

  15. 1:11:13 If by "publisher," you mean writer, yes. The people who write a paper usually don't get paid when you purchase a copy of their paper. As a result, the only reason they can't share it with you is copyright. However, most scientists would rather share their work than worry about the risk of getting in trouble for pirating their own work.

  16. I don't understand this idiotic new math (and I've had several semesters of college calculus), but I think it's try to convey (very poorly) that you can easily (I don't agree it's any easier) sum the two by subtracting from one to make the other 10 and add the remaining value to 10. For example:
    8 + 2 + 7 or 9 + 1 + 7 (that is, take 2 from the 9 to make 8 a 10 and add the 7 remaining OR take 1 from the 8 to make 10 from the 9 and add the 7 remaining). Yes, no, maybe?

  17. The joke about the dolphins is there is actually a type of fish called a dolphin. As some point, people started calling porpoises dolphins and it stuck.

  18. So, with the dominate/recessive genes, my family is fun. My dad was a blue eyed brunette and my mom a blue eyed strawberry blonde. There are seven siblings, two boys five girls, and we all have blue eyes. Both of my brothers are brunettes and all five of us girls are blondes. Eleven of my 18 nieces and nephews are blue eyed blondes. Recessive is strong in my family 😆

  19. When she says that F is apple and C is Samsung is kinda- wrong bc most of the countries i can think of use C and most pufrom said countries think that the US is on crack- feel free to correct me if i'm wrong- sincerely, a Canadian

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