
Justice – Hyperdrama ALBUM REVIEW

Justice – Hyperdrama ALBUM REVIEW

#Justice #Hyperdrama #ALBUM #REVIEW



Justice’s strongest core album since Cross, but could still use a bit more focus.

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  1. I think people are so emotionally connected to Justice (including myself) that Fantano's review cuts a little deep. But realistically it doesn't come close to hitting the heights of Cross, even if there are some fantastic hooks and they're almost back to their best. Some of his takes are pretty on point: Neverender is a much better song than One Night/All Night, a lot of the glitchy syncopated pops that made Cross what it was aren't quite there to the same extent on the new record. There's nothing that really matches D.A.N.C.E or has that satisfying pay off when the beat finally drops in Tthhee Ppaarrttyy. The vocal contributions throughout are variable and there's nothing like the distinctive sounds of boys' choir or the character of Uffie on those two respective tracks. That being said his take on Mannequin Love is mystifying,+ – the hook and the rolling groove together create an absolute earworm.

  2. Audio Video Disco is so underrated and I think so misunderstood. It's a love letter to progressive rock and an exploration of the nuanced sounds that made that era so special – recreated through an electronic production gaze.

  3. This album coming out has got me back into Woman, I really like album, it just comits so hard to capturing some of that disco era that I love.
    As far as this new one goes, I didn't mind the RIMON vocals and I like Dear Alan!
    I also can't get on with The End. Sorry to disagree with almost everything said here haha

  4. Gonna have to check this new album out for sure but I disagree with your take on ‘Women.’ I agree it probably had more weaknesses right off the bat compared to Cross but it still has a heart and authenticity that I don’t personally hear or get as attached to in the electronic dance genre.

  5. As a mega fan I had a hard time settling into the flow of the album, until I listened to it in this order:
    Incognito, Mannequin Love, Afterimage, Dear Alan, Generator, One Night/All Night, Moonlight Rendezvous, Explorer, Muscle Memory, Harpy Dream, Saturnine, The End, Neverender

  6. This is a great (and interesting) Justice album. Also the track called out as uninspiring filler here – Afterimage – is clearly one of the best songs on the record.

  7. Justice live is transformative. Their albums are simply a taste. Fantano is an album wonk who just doesn't really get it. It's like judging the Dead on their album work alone.

  8. Lumping Woman in with Audio Video Disco is crazy, Woman is a way better album that integrates retro and contemporary dance music together with mostly successful results. Woman may even be better than this new one, but the jury is still out on that. Definitely enjoying Hyperdrama so far.

  9. Def a 7.2 -7.5 for me in terms of Justice. I think the production level is unmatched on the singles released leading up to the album, but the rest of the album is much messier and less clear what they were trying to go for. The album doesn't really have any sleepers for me, but Dear Allen kinda drags on a bit too much, even for them. I think overall the album lacks a sort of cohesion that their previous albums had despite many songs being seamless transitions into the next song. For example, Moonlight Rendezvous being a great song by itself, it breaks the energy of the album because there was no leadup to it and you kinda just get thrown into it. I think Hyperdrama is a great album, but their worst at the same time. Aesthetically, sonically, and lyrically, Justice has been able to accomplish so much more and convey more emotion and passion in their previous albums, especially because they were being completely experimental. Hyperdrama definitely feels like a much more commercially appealing album, even though it is still really good.

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