
Harrison Butker : Football, Faith, and the New Face of Toxic

Harrison Butker : Football, Faith, and the New Face of Toxic Masculinity

#Harrison #Butker #Football #Faith #Face #Toxic

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  1. I had to add that to say no qb even comes close to being as talented present day as Mahomes..is categorically false..Josh Allen is the Only QB to score over 40 touchdowns in 4 consecutive seasons!! He's also breaking records set for a qb at his present age..he is ahead of Mahomes when Mahomes was at Josh's age..he has surpassed Allen..but by the time Allen reaches Mahomes age ..he will surpass Mahomes..it's shameful to say no qb presently is even close to Mahomes..13 secs..Allen had that game won..unfortunately the defense fell short

  2. Great video, wow! The explanations of football culture really make all the difference 🙂 In the spirit of learning, I do want to comment on some specifically-Catholic information as I think that was an underexplored aspect here.

    Pope Francis is an incredibly progressive Catholic. He's probably the most progressive Pope ever as he's changed the church's official stances on many causes, has released many progressive encyclicals, and has generally been a very kind and compassionate man. He's done away with a lot of flashiness of the Papal position and is generally seen as very humble. He's also been a huge advocate for Catholic Social Teaching. Unfortunately, there are a LOT of people out there who hate him for this reason, from congregation members to Cardinals. This latest tradcath movement is 100% a response to this and is setting up the church for a very, very conservative next pope. It's almost guaranteed, unfortunately. This is also not helped by the fact that the only people becoming priests nowadays are hyperconservative young men. It's a very sad feedback loop.

    Also, a note about Latin mass – no sane person does this. I agree that it shouldn't be called a cult but I'd call it equivalent to attending Bethel or something. Everyone who goes there knows what they're doing, it would NOT be the only trad thing they do with their lives, and every other religious person in the circle knows exactly what it means. Like even my Italian grandmother would see someone who goes to Latin mass as a true creep. There is no way someone stumbles into a latin mas by accident and there's no innocent explanation for it. Like my god my dude just go join the Knights of Columbus or smth.

    Overall great video! I just do agree that Catholic-specific videos need a special focus on the faith. I know it's harder to research than Evangelical churches but there are a lot of structural and cultural nuances that can be missed if the two are treated as equivalent.

  3. This has nothing to do with you I’m sure, and definitely more on me and my own algorithm issues, but I just got an ad for Hallow and it was Marky-Mark telling me I could come pray with him on this app and that seemed like something you’d love to hear

  4. Sittin' in my room in the deepest, darkest pit of period cramp hell. Y'all should know that your little text bubbles with commentary throughout the video really made me smile and lifted my spirits. I live for those cute little details. Please never stop. Sincerely, the 69th Jennonite.

  5. As an ex-LTM catholic (or catholic traditionalist), the homeschool movement he's involved in is not evangelical, it's very ingrained in traditionalist culture where the woman stays home and the man goes to work. I barely escaped being pulled out of school because I reached highschool before the further increase of my parents' religiosity, but multiple of my siblings were pulled out of school. Everyone in my parish except for me and my immediate younger sibling were homeschooled. Schools, especially public schools, were seen as indoctrination machines because there's no way you can push this strict, archaic ideology when you're taught proper science and meet people who live normal lives.

  6. 2:03:02 Ugh…it’s SO painful watching humans continue to cling to such horrific ideology & truly be conditioned through lies and gaslighting. I’ll never be able to wrap my mind around greed. I’ll never get over how easily conditioned we humans are. To our own demise and suffering.

  7. 2::00:00 ish: All of those responses were NOT neutral. They don’t just not do anything good for these misogynistic ideals fighting tooth and nail to broaden and deepen their roots in the US & the rest of the globe…THEY PERPETUATE THE TORTURE, OPPRESSION & WIDE VERITY OF ABUSES ENDURED BY WOMEN. They strengthen the powers over. They gave those roots so much more soil to reap. It’s devastating. The only Hail Mary I can think could ever actually be possible in this reality…are for those that critical thinking was killed off within, are those that go extinct first, hopefully not taking every other human with them. Morbid but, not the point or the intent. The point is…this machine has yet to be dismantled, yet to be exceeded by any other in all of modern human history. It’s not that I don’t think humans are capable or even built to do it…it’s that I think evolution might be too slow. I’m not the only person who feels that the human race is teetering the edge of its own destruction. I’m never giving up…but that’s completely aside of where my hope is.

  8. 1:26:05 women have been doing both for as long as women have been women. Whether or not they got paid…eh. I BET a dollar…that his wife also fucking does shit for all his businesses. 🙄

  9. I grew up Roman Catholic in Germany and served as a female altar server between the ages of 12 and 16. In the 80s and 90s I sometimes experienced traditional latin masses on special occasions or high holidays but that was pretty rare. I attended a catholic girls high school and studied latin for 6 years but in school masses it was always the modern version. From my experience in the church before I became an atheist I can tell you that it is freaking weird for a grown person to be an altar server. At least around here that was a thing for youths to do to be active in the church. But well my school also taught evolution and correct science and to be a strong woman regardless of men, so there is that. Also great video James thank you for your effort. 🙂 🙂

  10. This is an absolutely fabulous video. I have a SUPER obscure question: is the snippet of choral music in the background by any chance from the Rachmaninov Vespers? If not, what is it? (I will be very amused if it is Rachmaninov, since he used Russian Orthodox texts so it's NOT EVEN CATHOLIC, HARRISON.)

  11. Getting drafted into Raider Nation was wild considering that’s my mother in law’s team so i had been a bit drafted into it already. Excellent video and I appreciate all the work you did!

  12. I am Catholic and in a lot of Catholic circles (I'm progressive and don't agree with a lot of what Trad Caths say, and I don't agree with the speech). What I find interesting is that Catholics are torn. I have seen some who love it and find it validating for them as homemakers (they flat out say that we are all misinterpreting what he meant by "women have been told diabolical lies" and "my wife's life started when she embraced her vocation") and plenty of others who see the sexism and that much of the speech doesn't even align with the faith. He even talks down on "Catholic birth control" which many people take to mean NFP, a practice that is totally accepted by the Church. Not to mention the fact that marriage is not the only vocation for women and that all vocations are equal, despite how he makes it sound.

  13. Haven’t watched the whole video yet, but wanted to add some insight I have on Harrison’s background. As a Kansas Citian who has attended Harrison’s church in KC, the crowd that he is surrounded by is pretty fringe even for Catholics. As his speech condemned NFP, AKA the only Catholic Chruch approved method of “birth control”, I feel it’s pertinent to mention that women from that particular crowd literally cry with guilt for having periods. They are so convinced it’s their Catholic duty to have as many kids as possible that they see menstrual cycles that don’t result in pregnancy as moral failings

  14. As a non fan of football, I immensely appreciate you taking rhe time to explain and provide context!!

    I'm not much of a sports fan but thanks to you taking the time to explain the strategy and skills that go into the game similar to chess, I will be more open to watching.

    Buttkir is a symptom of a larger issue; the loud message to men that women's value comes from their potential as an incubator/nanny/maid/s3xdoll. They need women to believe this as well.

  15. My mom was taught by the nuns at Mount Saint Scholastica and those nuns are some of the most badass women I know. I can only imagine how angry Sister Lucille and 95 year old Sister Evelyn were when they heard the speech!

  16. Just here to say that I am maybe the single Fundie/Football crossover fan and I very much appreciate this episode! Cardinals fan myself but I’ve always had a soft spot for the Raiders ♥️

  17. King James! great video!! My partner is the BIGGEST Colts fan and also loves your videos, but I think I am now converted to a Raiders fan… don’t tell him please… or do I guess

  18. I’m a lapsed Catholic but I was raised going to church every Sunday and going to Catholic school and this PISSES me off. These people don’t want to be Catholic. They want to go off and do their own thing and like that is very Not Catholic. The archdiocese is in charge. You don’t have to personally agree with them but like the basic tenants of the religion are what they say they are. The Pope has the final say, period end of story. They want the aesthetic and history of Catholicism without the growth and love and reverence for women that is present in the history of that faith. Go be a Lutheran or a Protestant dude. Actual Catholics know that Mary would kick Jesus’s ass here to Sunday if he dared speak to her the way these misogynistic assholes speak about women in the faith

  19. I love your stuff and I wanted to share a story with you and this was the only way I could figure out how to do so.

    Friday morning my husband picked up my prescription from Walmart and there was fucking religious literature in there from a local church!!! At first I thought my husband has received it on it outing and put it in there as a joke but the prescription bag was stapled shut and he had nothing to do with it! I have made several reports to atheist orgs and filed complaints with Walmart both in person and online but guys, especially in the days of post-Roe, this shit is so serious!!!! I’m telling as many like-minded people as possible bc this shit is NO OKAY and I wanted everyone to know so that, for example, the person who gets mifipristone prescription enclosed with religious propaganda will not have to deal with that kind of inappropriate pressure, unnecessary guilt or any other negative emotion that the pharmacy staff has no place putting on a patient. I hope it’s okay I reached out to you like this but I want people to know what is going on!!! Just so we’re clear, this was an employee not the company itself but that person with very poor judgement has access to people’s private medical information! What else might they do for their god?!?

  20. I believe I learned in Catholic school that TLM (specifically the Pius ones) got excommunicated about their views and only made it back in by sucking up to the pope

  21. As an ex Catholic, this specifically interested me. I left right when it started getting more radical end I remember a lot of trads in my Bible study and I got weird vibes off them. Every time I look back at the church I was raised in, it’s worse and worse.
    Glad I left. Weirdos like Butker seem to be on the rise there.

  22. I was at the 2023 GT graduation and am an alumna as well (2022) and I found his GT speech and his recent one infuriating and so trite and belittling. The way he told GT students to get a wife and kids to be happy as if the student body were entirely straight men who want nuclear families was gross. GT graduates the most women engineers in the country and is proud of it! He is truly a stain upon Georgia Tech’s history. Most GT students honestly do not care about his ball tossing. The vast majority including myself are nerds and are just there to study hard. Just a completely irrelevant weirdo CTE grifter in all aspects.

  23. 41:04 and do you want to know what the worst part about Mahomes is? i was born and raised in Lubbock so i had to be a texas tech fan while he was our QB and he fucking SUCKED!! EVERYONE HATED HIM 😭😭😭

  24. GET DASHET PUTTA HERE FOR USING FRANZ BIEBL's AVE FOR HIS INTRO SHUDDUUUUUUUUUUP 🙂 it's my birthday and that tiny clip was all I needed. Brother James Franz Biebl's Ave Maria (do Chanticleer's recording) is one of my all time favorites point blank period. For my birthday can you let me know what you think of the full song:)

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