
How to Listen to Your Body & Regulate Your Nervous System W/ Jen

How to Listen to Your Body & Regulate Your Nervous System W/ Jen & Karden #mindbodysyndrome #tms

#Listen #Body #Regulate #Nervous #System #Jen

“Thought By Thought Healing”

If you’ve wondered what it means to “listen to your body” in relationship to chronic symptoms or dysregulation, this is the episode for you! In this episode Jen Karden and myself talk about their healing stories, how the brain/nervous system can cause a wide variety of symptoms including…



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  1. I fully recovered from LongCOVID using Mind-Body Approach as well (after almost 3 years). Your guest’s stories resonate with me in a big way. Thank you for sharing your authentic and vulnerable stories. Terrific podcast!!

  2. One thing I do no matter what the trigger is so simple but it works, I say to myself "You are still going to sleep in your bed tonight and you still have food" to eat" I may have to say this and see this in my mind a few times until it gets it. This simple comfort for my nervous system is huge. This shows me that my inner child on some level feels fear over losing these (inherited traits). I have never been in poverty and without those things and yet my primal needs being met soothes and reassures my system that these really are the only things that matter in the big picture. This simple idea brings me right back to baseline, almost more than my beloved tapping and breath work and alike. Thank you all great work! Ava

  3. I love this SO much and will surely relisten again! I recently discovered Somia on Instagram and loved getting to know who's behind it and some of their stories and strategies for mindbody work. Also the EDS diagnosis is helpful haha I was probably one of those that you were referring to would benefit. 🙂

    The virus analogy was incredible and so perfect timing! And the humor and chemistry in this was great! I can't say enough good things and thanks! 💓

  4. Excellent episode! I feel like my inability to be able to tune into my emotions has been the missing link to my not being able to get better. So much information on this podcast. Thanks!

  5. Are we also just analogizing to functional synctia r mirroring/ mirror neurons/group think and group psychology?

    It almost feels super insulting to humans and like stay away from anyone who has anything you don’t want because unless you have mega “immunity,” metaphorically speaking, you will catch it. And if you have super immunity, you may inoculate even yourself against empathy and all of the gamut of human experience. Get my drift?

  6. Can we discuss this stuff for people w depression bipolar add and ASD. Chicken or egg.

    I have always needed stimulants exercise and coffee to engage on a level that is better than my baseline- and I’ve tried everything else- so……how do you manage this while worrying about needing higher and higher doses to function- and crash- and if anyone says that’s not the case w medicine- or exercise – they’re lying—-/ and if you say don’t take those things every week or taper off what you don’t understand is it becomes a drug a performance drug and your time off is time off of friends life and work- and that also is NOt amenable
    To livibn…so what do we do?

  7. I needed this today. I was starting to lose hope in my ability to heal fully. Especially from the ME/CFS, fibromyalgia fatigue symptoms. I’ll keep hoping, keep praying and keep going.

  8. I'll never forget the moment I realized that my reaction to something my husband did wasn't actually about that specific instance, but rather from an old, unhealed wound from not being listened to and believed by my parents my entire growing up.

  9. This was truly amazing. Maybe the best ive seen so far. Do you know when the link for the offer will be posted? Thank you so much for the work you do at Thought By Thought Healing. Youre saving lives literally. 🙏

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