
6 Tips to Calm a Colicky Baby in Minutes

6 Tips to Calm a Colicky Baby in Minutes

#Tips #Calm #Colicky #Baby #Minutes

“Emma Hubbard”

If you’re struggling with a colicky baby and just can’t find a way to soothe them, give these 6 gentle soothing techniques a try. Colic can be caused by quite a few different things, so the best way to relieve colic for your baby will depend on the cause of their colic symptoms.

Colic in itself…



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  1. Hey Emma, thank you for this video. I have a pink noise machine from tomiee tippie can I use that ? Or do you think white noise machine is better ? Currently 34 weeks pregnant trying to get everything to get my baby to sleep ☺️ Thank you x

  2. Another thing you can do is just feed them/burp them (so they don’t cry because of a tummy ache), then take them a lettuce bath, A lettuce bath help with new born babies skin pilling/baby acne/cradle cap because they’re getting used to the world. After giving them a bath, get them, all snuggled in the sleep right through the night probably wake up once because of the wet diaper or hungry. And it’s 100% safe, won’t hurt if you give it a try! (let me know if this came in handy, you need more information, and or got any questions)

  3. But should I offer the breast if the colic is caused by what I ate? I’ve had a chicken roast (with cauliflower, beans, etc) and didn’t realise it could affect my newborn. I’ve been considering to thaw some milk from a few days ago to avoid feeding him more of the milk that’s probably causing the issue in first place. 🤔

  4. My mom used the wall technique on me apparently it works wonders for shutting up kids pretty sure she could have been a QB for any NFL team back in the 80s man what a different time 😂

  5. Being a doctor and being a mom to 3 boys I am still unable to console my premature newborn. This video is really helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge 🙏

  6. I tried every method I was told for my newborn niece and nothing work. But best tip I ever used for a colic newborn; I put her in her crib which is safe, closed door, put in earphones and let her scream herself to sleep after turning herself into a beetroot and kicking. I obviously still fed her, bathed, diaper changed etc, but apart from that, no soothing or holding, she screamed for weeks on end and now finally calming down. Newborns get adjusted if they know another human being is going to ruin their physical and mental health to hear a screeching baby who sounds like lawnmower. Don't care if this is harsh.

  7. I just tried
    1.swaddle : he reject it and became more fussy
    2.breastfeeding: he reject it and became more fussy
    3.warm bath he likes it but return to crying soon after getting out from bath
    4.car he likes it and get sleep but once i reached home he get awake and the colic return
    5. He didnt like pacifier
    6.he hates rocking seat it makes him more fussy

  8. Our baby is now 4 months old and she just stared 5 days now just crying for no apparent reason, can she begin Colic at 4 months? Both my wife and I are finding this very challenging, and advice for a 4-month-old would be appreciated. She eats and sleeps well, but if you are not holing her in your arms and moving around by standing and walking she just cries and cries!!!!

  9. Our little one was horrendously colicky from 2-4 weeks and a pacifier helped wonders. She was so much happier when she could suck and calm herself. Just had to be absolutely sure she wasn't hungry before offering it!

  10. My baby is still fussy and crying at certain times of the day without anything obvious. She's 7.5 months old, so I can't swaddle her. I'm not sure about nursing her like i used to constantly, as I'm enjoying less time nursing now that she's on solids. She does tons of tummy time and we try to do our best to follow a schedule, but she would sometimes miss her naps due to whatever discomfort that's bothering her. We've been rejected by public healthcare, and GPs were giving us Panadol for advice. We'll be seeing a private pediatrician only in a months time 😢 I don't know why it's so difficult to get a doctor! Sorry about this, just very difficult to deal with this for so long and getting no help from anybody!!! Plunket or GP totally useless

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