
Jen Read-Acts to Homestuck: Beyond Canon (06/26/24 Update)

Jen Read-Acts to Homestuck: Beyond Canon (06/26/24 Update)

#Jen #ReadActs #Homestuck #Canon #Update


A special page leading us ever closer to the end of Act 1.
The Point gets explained (a bit?), but it’s time for someone Plot Relevant (we think?) to take action! Anything can happen now… and someone may have noticed.
Too much VTuber stuff for a respectable sized segment, but maybe there are…



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  1. "Homestuck 2.0 didn't happen because it was going to be a documentary like thing until they realized that all the staff they interviewed and included in it had all left and it'd be awkward now" Holy shit, Homestuck really did go through contributors and staff like toilet paper for its whole history didn't it. Hope James and his current team can buck that trend.

    Yup. Vriska. Is her playing no role as a character from this point onwards except as burning relevance fuel for the Candy universe too much to hope for? Probably, not gonna expect the HS:BC team to torpedo their attempts to fix the story to alleviate my eternal Vriska burnout. And at least she's being written consistently to the character rewind she had in the original HS retcon.

    This is the second time Calliope info dumped about this subject, but despite that it still feels more engaging than her first explanation back in HS2. Maybe it is because the way she speaks seems more true to character? Like, the way she phrases things and the words she uses makes it feel like she isn't just reciting a study paper on the subject with the rare Calliope emoticon and british-ism sprinkled in. I dunno. They actually remembered that Calliope sometimes goes out of her way to use words that have "U" in them to make use of her quirk, for example, while in the previous info dump she'd have entire paragraphs where the letter "U" never got used. Or used but forgotten to be capitalized.

    Sollux is being significantly more… Sollux too. Especially that part where Jen went "You're so right- okay you lost me in the second half but you do you", that's how reading Sollux's dialogue SHOULD feel! A small, distant part of me wants to theorize about their proximity to the Plot Point slowly fixing their characterisation, but… Ugh, I'm too tired of metanarrative elements in fiction these last few years to think about it much. We'll see, I guess. Maybe it is just the regular old explanation of "the writers are more careful and deliberate with the character's personality and speech patterns".

    EDIT: Forgot to say how I feel about the update. It's pretty good! It seeds some story seeds with Calliope's explanation of her mistake feeling oddly familiar to Jade's explanation of the whole Yiffy debacle, and Alt. Calliope noticing them, and Vriska, while also giving us explanations on other subjects.

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