
Storaxa Kickstarter NAS – The First 12 Months (no Ads)

Storaxa Kickstarter NAS – The First 12 Months (no Ads)

#Storaxa #Kickstarter #NAS #Months #Ads


The Storaxa Kickstarter NAS – The Story So Far (Updated Monthly)…

Video Chapters
00:00 – The Start
00:15 – The Purpose of this Video
02:00 – Jan 2023, too good to be true?
32:04 – Feb 2023, the future
46:59 – March…



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  1. I never quite understand how this thing attracts 2 millions…. Storaxa has zero track record. This is literally their first product. The hardware and design is not particularly out of this world either.

  2. Thanks for the update.
    I recently updated my shipping address for my Storaxa, and am just waiting to see what happens.

    I have mentally written off the money I spent, so if it turns up, it's basically free! That's how it works, right?

  3. I see this campaign completely FAILING…but, I can see AOOSTAR releasing something similar. Matter of fact they've already announced something similar.
    How do we know this wasn't just some AOOSTAR employees – current or former – just seeing how much demand there was for this product and ultimately incorrectly pricing it so horribly until it was no longer viable?

  4. LOL! The whole "Kickstarter doesn't allow Chinese companies so we had to get a lawyer in Colorado" is a HUGE red flag.
    As soon as Kickstarter sees that then the campaign is dead because they'll shut it down for the BLATANT FRAUD they just conducted.
    As soon as they announced the price for a board with 4x 2.5GB, 4x M2., and 5/6x SATA as being below $300 folks should have instantly known it was a scam.
    The fanless CWWK I'm running with N305 CPU, 4×2.5GB and 2x M.2 cost me $286 barebones and even THAT was a Thanksgiving holiday special.
    It is sounds too good to be true, it's a scam – especially if it's coming from China.

  5. As someone that backed near the end of the campaign and also did upgrades through the Pledge manager, things are not looking bright and I really don't think the unit will see the light of day. Them having to possibly getting rid of their communication team I don't buy as an excuse to be completely ghost or provide minimal updates with photos of items we can find on AliExpress or a case that seems to be getting redesigned every 4 months.

  6. So I watched the 4 hours (and 7 minutes) in full.
    Was doing lunch and now ready for going to dinner
    It is a nice comprehensive (pun intended) for the Storaxa time-line to date/2023.
    As I said way, way back, I do not believe this project is or was a malicious intent.
    But their downfall possibly could be the fact they did (and do) not cope that well with all the communications and could potentially become overwhelmed and bud-out.
    Storaxa is not that forthcoming with information, how hard can it be to put a notification into your calendar for a weekly update?
    Saying what you do, do what you are saying, the fundamentals for any project-management.
    To date I have not seen/heard Storaxa stepping-up and pledge they will improve, it has been, to date, a rollercoaster-ride and I do feel sorry for all the backers, no matter what the outcome is. I followed all of this and even my heart-rate was scaling-up at times.
    But I ado agree that kickstarter also has a sole responsibility here, and they therefore should have provided some level of project-management, knowing that is often the culprit for campaigns. Possibly via some sort of AI, helping and guiding(!) such campaigns.
    So, here's my solemn hope that 2024 will bring the Storaxa campaign to a successful conclusion to all the backers….

  7. I'd actaully forgotten about the USB NIC and other things that were unlocked, I should probably start looking for a nice little 2.5GBE switch for my desk..

  8. I just hope the backers get what they expected, they have been patient enough in my views.
    Storaxa is, in my personal views, a prime example how not to do a kickstarter, I do hope they learn from it and get back to the straight and narrow!
    A great idea, badly executed. Sorry!
    As there are, again in my personal views, so many other good alternatives.

  9. Lol, I think it's more suited for April's fools day. Waste hours from your life in addition to any possible money you may paid for this absolute disaster of a crowdfunding.
    Of course putting this together in the video is appreciated

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