
Longing, Nostalgia, & Spiritual Simplicity | Episode 15

Longing, Nostalgia, & Spiritual Simplicity | Episode 15

#Longing #Nostalgia #Spiritual #Simplicity #Episode

“The Nathan Jacobs Podcast”

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  1. Thank you Dr. Jacobs! Have you read "The Theory of Knowledge

    of Saint Isaac the Syrian" by Saint Justin Popovich? He makes an interesting distinction between naive realism and theanthropic realism. I would love to hear your thoughts. From the concluding remarks of the text:

    "Looked at in the light of St. Isaac’s theory of knowledge, naive realism is both tragically and lethally simplistic. It can give no real knowledge of the world, for it makes use of sick and corrupt organs of knowledge. By contrast, theanthropic realism gives a real knowledge of the world and of the truth that lies therein, for it uses organs of knowledge that have been purified, healed, and renewed and can see into the very heart of all that is created." – Saint Justin Popovich

  2. I have been going through something similar and God has guided me to the same conclusion. That is wonderful confirmation for me and better put than I ever could. So thank you but I also want the problem of evil series.😊

  3. "The healing of the soul begins with noticing God’s many theophanies". Dr. Timothy Patitsas. As Dr. Jacobs tells us, Divine Liturgy is where this encounter can occur most often. "Turn to me and be gracious to me; give your strength to your servant, and save the son of your maidservant. Show me a sign of your favor". A Prayer of David

  4. When I was a kid, my dad took me to a WWII battleship and wished I had lived in those times. I asked my dad if you can feel nostalgia for a time you couldn't have lived in and he said sure. Been thinking about that for decades now… Nice to hear someone else think and talk about it

  5. Yes, very interested in your take on the problem of evil. This isn't an issue I find particularly "problematic" myself, so I’m fairly surprised by the number of people who are. Would love to hear an in-depth analysis.

  6. I wish more of Jordan Peterson's followers knew about you. There is depth and wisdom in this podcast that I believe people look to JBP for but they're left wanting. Thank you for such an uplifting episode, Dr. Jacobs.

  7. Would love to hear more about, and even read a book about, the problem of evil. With regard to Leibniz, I have a pet theory that the introduction of zero into Western Europe by Leibniz and Newton (which they used to derive calculus) was actually a major part of the spirit beneath the Enlightenment. I ran into this thread from a book called Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife.

  8. I confess that my attention wasn't fully on this episode but I felt that nonetheless the journey would be worth it and I found myself tearing up towards the end, such a powerful message & very timely. Thank you so much!

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