
WOW! Laravel’s pipeline pattern is AWESOME

WOW! Laravel’s pipeline pattern is AWESOME

#WOW #Laravels #pipeline #pattern #AWESOME

“Przemysław Przyłucki”

Hi guys!
In this video series, I’ll try to showcase two good usecases for the pipeline pattern

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  1. Like with a lot of other stuff in Laravel

    There was no need to reinvent the Chain Of Responsibility pattern and slap the name Pipeline on it.

    Any developer(java, php, C#) worth their salt knows about the chain of responsibility pattern, I don’t think the same can be said about this Pipeline thingy.

    I’m not even going to go into the world of complexity that is the query building example.

    That being said, thanks for putting the effort of making this video, I learned something new and I appreciate it.

  2. The best "advanced" laravel vids on youtube right now! I've been building laravel projects for 5 years and I still learn something from every video you upload, thanks for the great content

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