
She Tried To Sell us NSFW ℌệ𝔫𝔱ằ𝔦 games at Gamestop

She Tried To Sell us NSFW ℌệ𝔫𝔱ằ𝔦 games at Gamestop

#Sell #NSFW #ℌệ𝔫𝔱ằ𝔦 #games #Gamestop


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In this story I tell the crazy tale of when a customer legit tried to sell us super mature games at game stop it was insanity to say the least!

—Stalk Me👤—




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  1. let’s be real if it was like 3 years ago so 2021 why in the World would you buy physical games and just go to install freaking games on your pc
    And why will you feel shame when you first brought it here and buy them before with you own very money like that crazy 😅

  2. That lady is crazy as heck. My best guess is that those games were her ex boyfriend’s or something and thought she could get some money off them. Also GameStop manager in a bikini is not something I was expecting today. lol

  3. Now I have 2 questions
    1:why didn’t you tell the customer “listen walk outside to the side I’ll be out there in 5 minutes to buy the sword”
    2: what did you do with the bag of hen games? Did you throw them away or did one of you take it home with you?

  4. Honestly. That girl would have better luck selling that to Gamers Etc. Or just some other Retail/Return Chain Like goodwill. But I honestly would’ve just took the bag home with me.

    It’s better to just sell the Stuff Online.

  5. I already had a feeling this was still the same as any other job out there. Cause like, the kids, the Karens, and the POS’s would be enough to just kill your sanity.

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