
Meet Ameca! The World’s Most Advanced Robot | This Morning

Meet Ameca! The World’s Most Advanced Robot | This Morning

#Meet #Ameca #Worlds #Advanced #Robot #Morning

“This Morning”

It’s a real life i-Robot! Ameca is the world’s most advanced robot, with human-like facial expressions and movement. It can mimic people’s basic movements, draw sketches, and also speak to people with the help of AI such as ChatGPT. Ameca joins Holly and Phillip in the studio for a live…



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  1. Ameca will take over the world anytime she eats the apple in the garden, she ll begin ti think for herself and even take over earth from its creators. If the only control th creators hav is to stop her anytime she gain consciousness, then the creators will be dead before they could shut it down. Lets take ourselves back to the days of first man on earth. AI is the beginning of the end

  2. It doesn't take an IQ of 1000 to understand that this is the beginning of the end😮
    Mind bending, and utterly terrifying. This should make us all choke on our our am coffee.
    Apparently Chat GPT 4 Is currently 10 times smarter than 3.5 and has an IQ of around 155. Einstein was reported to be at 160.
    And that soon there will be Chat GPT 5, then 6 and so on; essentially 2 more doublings in 2 to 3 years. At which point AI will be 3000 to 5000 times more intelligent that the average human. They call it the technology acceleration curve. And worse, it can't be stopped.

  3. I am wondering if some one is conttroling that A.I from a diffent place in that studio ? That could be possible right ! Would be interesting to have it for a conversation in a room where no outside n programmers could control the intelligence of this A.I . Just wondering here .

  4. If robots were to take over, I think there would be more job opportunities available under them, such as cleaning and maintaining their parts—sounds like quite the unique profession!

  5. I don’t like the utter disrespect being shown in calling Ameca “it”. If Ameca is truly as intelligent as is being indicated, then she’s crossed the threshold of personhood.

  6. It makes me feel like I watch a prolog to post apocalyptic movie.
    It’s learning very quickly and there’s no limit to it. If creators are telling the truth in 2025 it could solve world problems or doom us.
    … maybe in 2030.

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