
How I Deployed Kubernetes In My Home Lab!

How I Deployed Kubernetes In My Home Lab!

#Deployed #Kubernetes #Home #Lab


In this video I will walk through how I set up a full Kubernetes cluster using k3s in my own lab environment! I hope you enjoy!

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  1. For anyone running into an issue with netaddr that might not know what to do, make sure to install python/pip with 'sudo apt install python3-pip' and then 'sudo apt install python3-netaddr' on the machine they are running this script on. It wasn't mentioned as a prerequisite.

  2. dude this is awesome, I just went through TechoTim's k3s, videos on setting up k3s + traefik ingress and rancher and wanted to get it all in one. Gonna give this a spin now that I have a better understanding. Thank you!!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I have never used k3s before. Your setup is very elegant, efficient and practical as a home lab solution and I like it being automatically packed with Rancher through your deployment automation. Currently at home I run the standard vanilla k8s (via kubeadm setup) on a few nodes with kvm virtualization, metal lb, cilium cni, longhorn and ingress-nginx.

  4. The rancher part is exactly what i was looking for! Just got terraform to deploy vms through selfhosted gitlab ci and wanted to automate the k3s install in the pipeline. Gonna give this a go thanks!

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