
Some dangerous quests : Rimworld Anomaly

Some dangerous quests : Rimworld Anomaly

#dangerous #quests #Rimworld #Anomaly

“Francis John”

Using lots of fodder to soften up the mech is a lot of fun. It does not do a lot of damage but it does make our jobs a fair bit easier by getting rid of the melee units. It does come with an element of risk but having 6 extra troops to help out made things a lot more…



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  1. I always create a zone for raids that restricts my pawns to the base interior, minus the kill-box. That way the muppets never wander outside and only drafted pawns can enter the kill-box.

  2. Just for the record you don't need pillars to roof in the hydroponics, as it's 13 tils from one wall to the next and that's the max you can go. The four spots were used for temperature (heaters) and firefoam for the power surge events, which have largely been stopped thanks to hidden power lines.

  3. @FrancisJohnYT seems like somebody made a mod you were talking about several epsiodes ago "Guarding Pawns" allow for pawns to guard a place patrol or follow another pawn as you wanted for ghoul to follow child

  4. I would have thought that Heavy SMGs or Assault Rifles would have better effective DPS against mechs than using flak grenades, especially with their armor and ability for more people to participate from longer ranges. Although I've never tried a grenade killbox myself, so interesting to see it working.

  5. Learned today that if you use drop pod to send fresh corpses back to their homes you get insane rep per body. A single raid could net you a new ally of you just load up corpses and mail them off right away!

  6. Francis manages to get rid of threat so easy. Will he ever be in real danger ? I don't really know the game but it feels like he is 10 steps ahead.

  7. muffalo in the next playthru huh? what if you made a cowboy colony with a ranching ideology with muffalo as the revered animal and cowboy hats as required clothing. if you want to limit to everyone having a trait it could be careful shooter or trigger happy.

  8. I had a vampire meeting.. I was planning on capturing 1 to share genes…
    But.. one joined me voluntarily with 30 days left till he can bite for free. So, … now I have 3 vamps

    After beating the 3rd into joining.


  9. Would the waster relations actually improve if you send toxic waste packs? I feel like it should. Also make some (6) void statues to improve your rituals.

  10. Love seeing warmachine growing up and can’t think of a better combo of skills to have, can’t wait to see the damage that can be caused when the cybernetic get implanted sooner or later. Also please never change the hood don’t know how war picked it but love the look lol

  11. You were wrong on the metalhorror thing. It absolutely exists in the suspicious joiner if he is the metalhorror kind, you just cant scan for it. You can eaisly check that it was there before by reverting save after figuring who is infected and killing them a long time before. Metalhorror will then emerge from the dead body. Also remember that there is interrogation thing. Waiting for all flesh samples is really dangerous and you should do that only when you have no idea who might be infected.

  12. Please give Warmachine a helmet that looks to what she was wearing, since she is melee oriented with psi abilities it made her look like Darth Vader.

  13. Pseudonym Here is now confirmed to have, at the very least, two sons and a grandson in the Henda faction. I guess she has a whole family over there she abandoned to join this transhumanist void cult lmao

  14. Don’t forget you need Smerk to be a knight if you want to trade with the empire. That’s 4 ranks not counting the first one that you get for 1 point. Might be better only using 2 neuroformers and saving the last for one of the lunks.

    I am also glad you didn’t use grenades for the turrets. Smoke + grenades = sadness these days.

  15. Yttakins make better Ghouls than Neanderthals. Both have Robust and Strong Melee but Yttakins have Naked Speed(instead of Slow Speed for Neans) and no learning speed penalty.

    Unless you jack them up with elbow blades, etc. Ghouls are mostly melee blockers, not damage dealers, so I wouldn't worry about lack of melee passion – they'll get there eventually. Ghouls can also benefit from Nuclear Stomachs, especially since most of their upgrades increase their metabolism.

    Also this may not be immediately obvious, but Ghouls can use all the Serums – and since they don't have a mood bar they get no penalties for doing so.

  16. I'm just waiting for the Revenant to do their stuff while you have a Cluster, Shamblers and the Neanderthals. If it doesn't happen this time, I will cross my fingers for the next time.
    If it ever happens, I will laugh while you're in a panic. I hope you'll imagine a maniacal laugh during the panic

  17. Transmute can do a lot of things all pretty good. It can also target a lot of things made out of steel like grand statues which stops the meat option. Can’t have statues made of meat

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