
The EVERYTHING $300 Fanless Home Server

The EVERYTHING $300 Fanless Home Server

#Fanless #Home #Server


This fanless server has EVERYTHING. Inside is an Intel Atom C3758, 4x SFP+ 10GbE, 2.5GbE, SSD slots, and external HDD connections. We show you how you can make this an awesome pfSense or OPNsense appliance or NAS/ virtualization host for something like Proxmox VE or TrueNAS and save $1000 or…



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  1. @5:20 as an unraid user I'll tell ya what, having your usb on the 2.0 port rather than the 3.0 port is a GOOD IDEA, because most drives don't draw as much power and this stay cooler and run more reliably on the usb 2 port!

  2. Awesome review – Any chance you can comment on the controller behind the SFF8087? Is it a 4 x SATA controller or a SAS controller? IE, if a SAS controller, you could connect a SAS expander and put a LOT more drives on the system. I tried to find the manual for the thing, and couldn't find any details. There's also almost no info on the Amazon listing.

  3. This is actual insanity at this price. I'd love a 1u unit and see someone in the comments mentioned contacting them so I'm going to add this to my 2024 list of hardware to potentially buy and play with. By the time I get around to it they might even have a model with updated CPU (not even sure if anything comes after Denverton, I'll have to look) so I'll be keeping an eye on their website.

  4. @STH What is the storage controller behind the SFF-8087 port??? CMON I need to know if it's SAS or whatever, and what make+model. C'mon you thought that wasn't going to be important? 😛

  5. Leftover Denvertons must've been blown out of inventory at bargain-basement prices for these to show up now. IIRC these pre-date the Xeon-D branding, and were introduced in 2017. Not a replacement for my Jaketown server, but a way step-up from my current Pineview router / firewall.

  6. Would you happen to know of a mini pc with a more recent processor that has sff 8087/8088? I'd like to do a low power NAS with a mini PC that also doubles up as a home linux PC. I would like to use a core-i7 low power CPU.

  7. Really glad I am still early on in my Home Server project. Still might keep my NGFW separated from my NAS/Home Server but this might just pull me back into the All In One plan again. The nice thing about 'passive' cooling is that adding active cooling to it is not hard. 😀

  8. Only complaint I have is while it lacks IPMI, it also lacks a simple Type A USB near the video output. Using a KVM as a backup console would be difficult without an extension on USB with most default KVM cables. Other option is a USB-C adapter, but also seems like a waste of the only other high speed USB port. Otherwise for Intel SFP+ as well as 2.5Gb plus ports all around for $300 that seems like a killer low power router option.

  9. Hi Patrik! Could you please test if this works with a 4G LTE card? Can you just plug it in, and put in the sim Card in the sim card slot and it will work? That would be great to have failover WAN in pfSense. Thanks.

  10. That SFF8087 port is a real head-scratcher. Why not SFF-8088 ? Why not SFF-8644 ? What year is it ?

    I mean, I'm still gonna buy the stupid thing because I was just thinking of right-sizing my NAS headunit the other day, and I've had great success with Qotom firewall boxes over the years, but man… there's always one weird nonsensical thing about these products that makes me question the entire organisation.

  11. The one thing about these systems is that as much as I'd love to get them for their hardware and utility, I won't, because of how underwhelming the BIOS and the related updates are, let alone security and performance stability. Sure it's still for home but if it's handling all the network I expect the bios to be fully supported. With these systems it feels like you're gonna be stuck with some annoying bug that will never get fixed and worse, security issues.

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