
Terrence Howard: “Every human being needs to know this”

Terrence Howard: “Every human being needs to know this”

#Terrence #Howard #human

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  1. The elite people do not want this info out, because then they lose control when people unlock their dna potential and how to use frequencies to make your own electricity. Why you think Tesla was killed and his research stolen. The government doesnt want you to have free things or easier, cheaper options that doesnt benefit them.

  2. Unfortunately, I must be the bearer of unpleasant news, but as an individual working in the field of science with a strong background in mathematics, I can confidently say that Terrance's claims are unfounded. He serves as a prime example of how confidence can be utilized in a negative and manipulative manner, or even as a clear manifestation of a narcissistic personality.

    I managed to endure only one minute of his presentation before bursting into laughter. The provided link effectively debunks his arguments, leaving no room for doubt. It is quite amusing to witness his audacity in presenting his findings to someone as reputable as Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

    elicopter scene at the beginning is entirely digital. I just showed it to my friend who is a computer engineer, and they debunked it, which is quite amusing.

    Internet rule number one: always conduct your own research, folks. Terrance Howard's "science" on Joe Rogan It serves as a prime example of the ease with which one can be deceived by individuals who employ narcissistic complexes and manipulation, masquerading as confidence.

    You can watch the debunking video here:


  3. I think you're incorrect based on 2/3 fact finding results.
    1. He was invited there.(To a prestigious reputable institution where they are currently studying his topic of discussion and yet it still remains irrefutable and unchallenged.
    2. He has been given a platform by a professor at said university to present his results from his personal fact finding journey and yet his knowledge remains irrefutable by professor and scholar of said subject but also the lack of interruption speaks volume. Also, I think its safe o say that EVERYONE that was in attendance THAT DAY got schooled and not 1 word fell upon deaf ears because when you have something of substance to say and your intentions are pure…not a Devil can stop you. I feel like location and audience is really important when delivering a message of this magnitude. 1 of 2 things will haappen
    1. He'll be laughed at and not properly respected or there will be little to no effort on your end to approve or disprove what hes insinuating. If you ask me he killed 2 birds with 1 stone.
    2. If what he says can be disproven, he had the perfect platform to either sink or swim and to my knowledge….he is on still waters and his boat hasn't shaken or been capsized . To my knowledge…. (Simply speaking subjectively) he is the perfect vessel to deliver such findings because he cant be easily silence or snuffed out like most who discover or revolutionize the world around them through new ideas patents and inventions that mysteriously disappeared & have had they're intellectual property stolen and unlawfully seized or lawfully replicatd. Lets be clear the only thing they have ever invented was the patent office to steal the ideas of the GREATS & put their names on it for monetary gain. How simple.😢 The only diff is is that he beat them to the punch whereas they have no choice but to either admit guilt or admit defeat. Either way he WINS!!!!

  4. Only thing that bothers me is when your watching these YouTube videos you loose the fact that the person's channel your watching has his or her own agenda..you can't trust anyone

  5. People calling him crazy but define crazy? It's just Not the norm, they even called Einstein crazy because he wasn't the norm. People don't undertand they are quik to call someone crazy because they have an ego and think they are smarter but in reality they don't even understand what this man is saying. They say he don't make since but only thing they know is what they were taught. 😊

  6. I literally was licked in a cement room with a half inch by two inch window slit in a steel door and medicated and labeled crazy for forty years for saying things people now know to he true and millions of dollars paid to people many many people and grnt funding to many groups and i can easuly prove and yet somehow im still trying to not be killed by them or my own hand many times locked up and punished worse when trying to speak up but funny huh

  7. What Terrence is doing is making a lot of white people upset because over thousands of years they've only stolen things from black people. Now look at that, a black person will be the one to take us to level one type civilization as it has always meant to be. Everyone comes from Africa. Everyone is born from a black person and now it all comes around and full circle. No pun intended. Full circle because there are no straight lines.

  8. Being someone with ADHD I can relate to that terramce is explaining about yhe frequency ranges for heeling and our dna tightens when the vibrations around us are triggering the frequency range in our dna, sound vibration light and diffrent blend of colours have a calming effect on myself, which decreases my senativeity to the negative that surrounds me, I become more focused, my concentration increases, better memory, time doesn't just pass me by, people are my biggest negative vibration dues to how much I feel, my senses are so high I hear see and feel everything around me and those in my presence and absence. My vibration is in range when I am alone. Great video thank thank you

  9. Talk about their time zones and missing lands and time and…pacific ocean being days away from…explain please how far away china really isnt. Pkease i will wait our ancestors I believed that we were from the start people. They would have followed them into hollow Earth. I do believe these are the peoples and braces that Admiral bird saw in there. Some of I should say because he said there was giants. He said there was wooly mammoths. There was some kind of light source, but not a son magma is that lava like? What's going on? Do you really think that the aliens are coming from outer space? Through the perimeter, they tried to break through in the 50s with nukes, probably blowing up the dark side of the moon because it's inside the firmament. I'm just saying like what's going on and why is the Sun? Talking to people through their phone like there's too much spiritual shit going on for you all to not be believing Let's talk about the fact that if the earth is Littered with God's creation.That you're probably adorning jewelry made mind from their bodies…giants. bad blood. Taylor Swift's song, bad blood.Yeah , that's not about a relationship that's about her relationship with her god, there are many gods one true origional God the creator. I chose him. Not re creation lol The fact that these people think that they're going to choose the wrong side and be rewarded by a trickster that hates them and even more for choosing to go against. God literally say it's testing you and tempting you. He doesn't here he isn't here to help you. He isn't here to love you. And for those of you that are gonna shame me me and call me crazy.They believe everyone believes in something even the elite built their homes into the rock as the bible says Also , can we please talk about the fact that bill gates and China bought up all the safe zones on the forbes map for the doomsday map Google Massaro and moto and his water experiments.Please because you're made up of an awful lot of water.That matters intent still matters god or no god Knowing all of this you still want the government to have such powerful weapons that could literally make you go crazy if they just turn it on. They're poisoning your area water. Your food, you're everything your minds. You're paying them and helping them poison your children We're supposed to resonate with the Earth's vibrational frequencies and the earth is sick and we are sick GI wonder which 1 started first the chicken or the egg, but nothing is real.Just keep watching YouTube videos about you know bad bad reason.And you know wives, hell weird wives.I'm sorry.Whatever trash you watch on here there's missing kids you guys could be doing something

  10. Terrence Howard is not some profound thinker and did not come up with anything. There is some validity to frequency healing, and it is being studied, but Terrence is bat shit crazy. If you listen to him talk for 30 seconds, it's obvious he is all over the place saying words that mean nothing or even contradict what he is trying to explain.

  11. 🙏🙏🙏Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!

  12. I don't know why but I sit a listen to any theory that peaks my interest and in most cases I don't fully understand it but I still will sit and listen to it all.


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