
Nightingale ULTIMATE Resource & Tier Essence Farming

Nightingale ULTIMATE Resource & Tier Essence Farming Guide – Mining, Hunting & More!

#Nightingale #ULTIMATE #Resource #Tier #Essence #Farming


Here’s my Ultimate Resource Farming Guide for Nightingale with Everything you need to know to get Tier 1-3 Essence fast, hunt legendary animals for Fabled Hide and Pelt, find the best Tier Wood and Fibre, including detailed farm locations for the best Ores or Metals to mine for crafting. This…



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  1. Ty for the videos. The real question is a way to manage your items – is there a way to connect your containers to crafting stations? Is there away to 'quick stack' items to nearest contaienrs? Items managament is a biggest drawback for me rn

  2. Quick tip for coal farming. If you are already far enough in the game and you are running Apex Vaults, go around destroying the barrels because they can contain a pretty good amount of coal. I have farmed pretty much all my coal that way

  3. Can i push refined Tools to level 100 somehow or do i need the next tier of Tools? To progress i need level 100 resources it seems, but i Cant find a way to get level 100 Tools

  4. Thank you very much for sharing such wonderful game knowledge with us. In your video, there was one item not mentioned, which is "Abalonite." It is one of the materials used to craft the "Prodigious Healing Potion." However, I have looked in many places and have not found it. Could you please tell us how to obtain this mineral?

  5. Use a Trickster-Card to get T2 fiber wood and ore, early on. i found one in a fae-chest in the first antiquitarian forrest realm i visited. i guess it is a bit of luck but if you find one you should use it.
    I don't want to spoil anything but i promise you won't be disappointed.

  6. As always, right on time with this video. Your content on gaming is Top Tier! I only wish you would include you spread sheet on the materials. Such an invaluable resource especially with this game.

  7. Hey dude, great information.

    I'm assuming that English isn't your first language, I thought I'd offer some assistance. The word "both" is only used for 2 things, it's not supposed to be used when listing 3 items.

    Sorry if I offended.

  8. Early game mats you can Buy water battle for 10 dust and break it down for 40… spam this then you can get a nest egg of dust to repair and buy basic starting mats for building stuff and making ammo.

  9. So for solo players what progression would you choose to be tankie thru the game. I'm playing solo n suck at blocking…lol also do the recruits matter? Should I get rid of the one I have in exchange for one in a higher realm?

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