
Someone kept on stealing my Matcha latte so I put some wasabi in

Someone kept on stealing my Matcha latte so I put some wasabi in it [Gossip]

#stealing #Matcha #latte #put #wasabi

“Gossip City”

Gossip City is filled with delinquents and all kinds of Karens.
In this channel, we will help demonstrate different ways of dealing with these kinds of people.
We need your help to exterminate them and recover the peace.
The more we exterminate, the more they mutate into ever more disruptive…



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  1. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Ami, Koharu and Tsubaki are so fun, just watching them being there for each other is so cute. Also Tsubaki "like Father like Daughter" with the sweet tooth.

  2. Oh yeah one more thing who fired somebody for trying to help out if he was eating way too many sweets like his daughter was but she stopped but he just did diabetics can eat sweets in moderation but not Much when there's sugar is low they do have to drink orange juice or take a candy bar to bring it up I should know.

  3. Please change him he's giving me all kinds of headaches plus Mei Dad Sumomo ' S, Dad RIN ' S Dad Are Way better Then Tsubaki 's dad ever will be because he never lets her try anything new that's my opinion hands down no lie.

  4. Yes diabetics can eat a little bit of sugar just not alot . but I think Tsubaki 's dad maybe a diabetic and of course he can eat small pieces of food that are sweet like cakes and cookies selfish pain in the head plus he should allow his daughter to experience new things like new food instead of saying always she can't she can't she I wouldn't blame the writer down the line if she did wrote this young lady to leave her father like she said like you said in this story he's the worst insane person I ever in this whole entire series of Wonderful impressive fabulous Stories

  5. A nice resolution with the help of the professional demeaner, everyone's made up and learn to appreciate each other more, and Heiji is getting it twice in one vid from both Inu and Ami.

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