
Bride Embla Was a Mistake

Bride Embla Was a Mistake

#Bride #Embla #Mistake


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  1. Not a surprise here. This is my everyday and is like having a second Velouria. I used Velouria with Gullveig and now I use Embla with an AoE Winter Edelgard and is more busted than this because she can also precharge again the AoE in combact thanks to her weapon.

    Galeforce is so fun!

  2. Yeah fuck this unit. Making an anima mythic mandatory for dark defense is surely a sign of healthy game design. This isn't even like using off season Medeus to counter bolt tower either. You either have Freyr or you auto lose against any player phase team. Not even no-save cavlines with gatekeeper are safe as shown in this video

  3. Fryer does shut down embla’s undefended effect but the fact that you have to run him in light shows that light season has just become EVEN EASIER

    (It was already much earlier lmao D! Altina tanks litterally eve y base except for mine but it can lose to Goto Ike sooooo 🫢)

  4. I paired Bride Embla up with my Duo Askr and now he gets a fully charged Ignis at start of turn and she gets a fully charged Dragon Fang at start of turn.

    Yeah, I think I can wait a year for Groom Askr…

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