
Games Workshop Raises Prices AGAIN!

Games Workshop Raises Prices AGAIN!

#Games #Workshop #Raises #Prices


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In this episode of Model and Memories #164 Jay talks about…



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  1. This is why i kinda gave up on warhammer
    Ill stick to legion
    10 primaris intercessors 60$
    Shadow collective starter box with 2 heros
    1 squad of mandolorians
    1 squad of pykes
    And 1 squad of black son

  2. In Europe, Warhammer fantasy LARPing is really big. They have giant weekend events around it. I think that's who GW is targeting. Also, remember that its more a license, I believe. So a company that produces that stuff has licensed the IP rather than GW choosing to actually pursue the arena.

  3. There are so many amazing options besides GW – I'd really love to see more content creators moving to other options.

    Look at the 10-yr trends in price-hikes, YIKES!

    Personally, I'd love to see more OPR.

  4. probably since they seen a dip since the covid boost of their revenue, and people who got into warhammer just because ''what other is there to do?'' (during covid) got out once society returned to normal and these people could return doing whatever they did before. so now GW do these regular increases to ''keep'' the renvenue at the same high but with less customers. (just my couch economics, fyi)

  5. I just picked up warcry – red harvest, catacombs, the compendium book and 2 extra warband boxes – all for 40% off! If anyone didn't already realize, the warcry models have INSANE details and posing! So yeah, both start boxes were only 80 a piece!

  6. Who’s even still buying warhammer with these prices I stopped like two years ago. I love warhammer miniatures but the price is so ridiculous i just use proxies now

  7. Got my coworker to print off a bundle from myminifactory and now I have 2000 points of cities of Sigmar and 1000 points of Skaven proxies for $140 Canadian

  8. Insult the fanbase… then raise the prices after? nice. personally i just watch warhammer from a far now and have done for awhile, theres so many other games out there that do it just as good or even better as a fraction of the cost. many, maaaaany of my local shops have slowly been moving towards other games over the last 2-3 years.

  9. As a person that helps run a small buisness, im ESTATIC to hear that theyre raising these prices! Bwcause it was such an easy sell for peoole to drop nearly 220 bucks on a hobby, just to get started, so its fun to have a challenge!

    But seriously….its like they want people to go out of buisness. Selling 3d prints for minis is….honestly the only way to do the hobby imo

  10. I my salary were to match the price increase then it wouldn't be a problem….but that isn't the case so. 3D printing and One Page Rules take me away from this money greedy company.

  11. I stopped buying their stuff about 2 years ago. They raise their prices to a point that it's not worth it for the hobby for me. Still enjoy watching the videos like yours.

  12. I'm usually here to offer my nieche knoledge about BloodBowl but I'm also a LARPer for 10+ years. Warhammer is one of the biggest backgrounds in the Euro LARP scene. Chaos, Sigmarites etc are backgrounds I constantly see. So those weapons are actually huge for us. Sci-Fi LARP is a thing but much less, at least in europe. Fantasy is pretty much the go-to. And yes, Polearms are also quite common there.

  13. Yeah…I use GW paints. I don’t know why. It’s what I started with and my collection is kind of large now.

    But also, the price hike is awful when they’re reporting record profits.

  14. The company has no justification to charge what they do because the amount of plastic that's in that box doesn't actually even cost that much to make, and yeah you got to pay for sculptors you got to pay for distributors but they could cut the price of all of their models down to 1/3 of their total cost and they would still have enough money to make a few more factories so they could increase production and still make a profit
    But this is a British company so it makes sense that they're greedy

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