
RECENT FAVORITES ~ cozy home, life, mind & body care stuff!

RECENT FAVORITES ~ cozy home, life, mind & body care stuff!

#FAVORITES #cozy #home #life #mind #body #care #stuff

“Cozy K”

Download Ecosia at this link to start searching with the climate in mind!!

LEGO Drawer (Plastic):
LEGO Drawer (Wood):
Baguette Jellycat Stuffy:…



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  1. Thank you for speaking honestly about products! That portable tv is soo.. useless?? 3hour charge?? Like get an ipad or something instead 🤣🤣 much more easily portable

  2. Aah, I miss the NYT games but I can't justify supporting their terrible reporting practices 😔 Really, really enjoyed this video & all of the other great recommendations though, thank you for sharing!

  3. omg YES to the eye mask thing! the feeling of having a regular eye mask press up against my eyelids makes me feel so uncomfortable 😭😭 loveeee an almost 1 hour video! also loving having your vids on in the morning bc im not a morning person but you make me feel so motivated for the day but in a calm, not stressed way 🥹🤍

  4. bestie I have a cozy recommendation, have you heard of the book seat? i was influenced by tiktok lmao its like a bean bag for your books! im bed reader and im excited for it to arrive! 🙂

  5. I couldn't agree more about finding a way to incorporate items that we learn about from YouTube, etc. I have a walking pad being delivered today, and I'm absolutely NOT using while I working for the exact reasons you mentioned, but also because I don't have an adjustable height desk. My plan is to use the walking pad while watching TV because I know I'm more likely to get more use out of it that way. Put on my favorite show or a movie and just go for a walk in my living room.

    Thanks for all the other recommendations and ideas. 😊

  6. In regards to mouth breathing and sleep patterns, there is a really great book called Breathe by James Nestor. It shows the benefits of nose breathing, the importance of proper breathing in general and there are lot of cool scientific studies, plus it's an easy read.

  7. My husband and I play the NYT games together at the end of everyday as a little “us” ritual and it’s so cute. Highly recommend ❤ He actively makes sure we play bc he loves it so much and loves that it’s our little “old married couple” thing (we’re 30 lol).

  8. Omg I was so shocked that you didn’t vibe with the wellness journal bc I have the same one and I absolutely love it! I find the openness of a blank page intimidating so when I need a journal that gives prompts. I’m 2 months in a have barely missed a day! It’s my little ritual and check in with myself 😊 Now I feel weird when I don’t write in it…like was I really thinking I could just keep all my thoughts in my head all this time?? 😅

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