
MATCO FLYER 12 2023 it’s a Cluster F@%K

MATCO FLYER 12 2023 it’s a Cluster F@%K

#MATCO #FLYER #Cluster

“CP The Tool Addict”

#matcotools #lisle #tools

Lisle 69300 Master Relay Test Jump Set, One Size, Factory

Lisle 43350 Pneumatic Fan Clutch Wrench Set, 10 pc




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  1. Curious, I'm a diesel mechanic at a large truck shop/dealership. You said in the video that you have one of those Astro Pneumatic rebranded angle impacts in this video. What would you recommend, the 3/8 inch drive or the 1/2 inch drive? Me and a fellow technician are thinking of getting one.

  2. Great flyer video CP good info no bull.i just had my Cornwell dealer order me one of there small USA made hand carry toolboxes. Cheapest professional tool truck box I've bought lol. Can't wait to do a video on it next week

  3. i bought those same scissors from Mueller could be rebranded, not sure who the parent company is but don't really care. The wife stole mine for farts and craft and I had to buy another set. I did see the Horrible Freight and Husky versions and bought a set form each.

    I use the Mueller set to cut bumper plastic for trailer hitch cutouts. The HF and HD versions folded up, they don't have the same tension for thick stuff.

  4. @ 4:57
    what are your thoughts of the "relay buddy". In theory it's a great tool, put the relay on the peg board and hook it to a 12vdc battery; press the button and get a go no go light.

    But does that relay buddy know if there is resistance on the internal contacts from carbon arcing? I'm going to say NO because I opened one up and found a "counter circuit".

    When someone in my shop gets the ants in there pants about buying one I give them mine (which I don't use) with a box of relays that all have high resistance and don't work once heated up.

    Just my two cents plus a $5 tip for overthink it.

  5. Every month I find less and less to buy from them. It's like their whole flyer is full of gimmicks and marketing stuff. I mean I did recently buy some air tools but other than that not much. Which I hate because my driver is a great great guy and I love to support him but ay ay ay.

  6. CP You are not eating your Honey ๐Ÿ˜› get some local honey have a teaspoon fool in the am&pm once you get the local pollen in your system it will ez up your allergies ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘

  7. Hello Fellow Toolhaulics, Friends, And Supporters of the World Famous CP THE TOOL ADDICT & HENRY: Thank you Cp for your excellent efforts on this new Matco flyer review video. Come on now Chad Garbage Freight says that you are antagonistic & always picking on them, you must be kidding. These characters COPY any tool or device they can, make it in China, ships it here to the USA for sale, & these guys are supposed to be cutting edge = OH PLEASE. IMHO between Amaxon & Garbage Freight there business strategy is to CRUSH THEIR COMPETITION IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. Thank you again for your efforts, God Bless, and my best wishes as always to you and Henry, TMP from N.J. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š.

  8. I appreciate you doing all these flyers and giving your down and dirty opinion of each item. I have a few icon tools and they are fine I suppose, and as a do it yourselver itโ€™s hard to justify spending tippy top dollar for tools. However, I am slowlyโ€ฆvery slowlyโ€ฆgetting better USA made tools, and ever time I do there is definitely a sense of prideโ€ฆ I donโ€™t know ๐Ÿ˜. Either way, you definitely motivate me to maybe wait a little longer in support of my fellow man! Keep up the good work ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ!

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