
Zimacube NAS Update – Noise Test, ZimaOS Beta, New

Zimacube NAS Update – Noise Test, ZimaOS Beta, New Motherboard Comparison, Plex and RAID?

#Zimacube #NAS #Update #Noise #Test #ZimaOS #Beta


ZimaCube on Kickstarter:
The Zimacube NAS Prototype Early Review Photos –

Update on the ZimaCube NAS Drive – User Questions Answered…



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  1. I was hoping they were further along with this, especially on the hardware side. I wish they just did hardware and sent it out without worrying about software side.

  2. Would definitely want to swap out those rear fans, but I'm not sure what with. You were going to investigate options for that. My home office isn't quiet though, especially with my aging Drobo running (hoping to retire that soon), so I'd probably be OK. PS – Plenty of EB slots still available for both versions.

  3. I can't quite get my head around why they wouldn't get RAID implemented early. Surely they want people testing it and giving their feedback early. I certainly wouldn't want to be an early adopter of a RAID implementation.

  4. You fuffled your words on the "Other ways to manage storage" bit 🙂 🙂 I mean who was expecting the link to lead to OpenMediaVault page , certainly noy me and I doubt you ? !! LOL

  5. The hardware looks very promising, the software is not that impressive. Yet.
    I agree, RAID should be their top-priority but I gather they would already know that and would be working on that soonest.
    Their hardware-changes (extra PCI slot, improved drive-cable etc) into a new MB, that are some solid moves.
    From all the DIY's, this is one of the most promising ones to me so far…

  6. As a backer, I’m so excited to see the base model has a second pci slot now.

    I’d still like to see some changes to the case to allow for full sized (horizontal) pci card. I’d also like to see cable retention for the power cable so it doesn’t get unplugged so easily.

  7. Is there open software that compares to synology dsm? Really their hardware and prices seem really out of parity these days… they are slow rolling hardware updates a lot it seems. Also Synology’s ios apps are good, so would have to replace them too.

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