
How one company is “De-Microsoft-ifying” and pushing Linux on the

How one company is “De-Microsoft-ifying” and pushing Linux on the desktop

#company #DeMicrosoftifying #pushing #Linux

“Techno Tim”

45Drives is De-Microsoft-ifying and leading the charge by replacing Windows with Linux desktops and replacing proprietary solutions with open source. This topic of “demicrosoftification” was discussed at the Creator Summit 2024 at 45Drives headquarters. I attended along with many other tech…



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  1. Sounds good Tim. Now if we could only get the Nvidea drivers to go License free, …. Your Multi bay server could be rocking Blackwell components instead,,,,,

  2. De-Microsoft-ifying, I love it. MS has before made very bad decisions in the past and will continue to do so. MS Recall is just the latest bad decision. MS is approaching a precipice with its users. As this De-Microsoft-ifying begins to catch hold, might spread like fire. I for one would like to see this. I've been a user since their MS-DOS days, so I have seen first hand the evolution that MS reached their zenith years ago and it's been downhill since.

  3. I started using Windows with version 1.03 in lae 1986, and continued until my first laptop with Vista. I used Vista for 3 weeks, then dual-booted with Linux (Ubuntu) after a few other distros, and 3 months, I began 2006 by deleting my Windows and using Linux alone. I have run Linux Mint since 2008, and switch between it and a Chromebook for all my work and play.

  4. It might work for some companies. I know of a company that switched away from MS products to Linux and open source apps. Lasted about a year before switching back. It was a failure.

  5. While I'm not usually for many Laws, it really should be MANDATED that:
    1. Every Software MUST work with Major Device Operating Systems, Windows, Linux, Mac. I guess I should add "Android" in there, would want cross platform compatibility and use.
    2. Every Software MUST be able to be "Uninstalled" from your device, not be "required" to use it, etc.
    There really should be "Industry Standards" controlling this, but clearly Industry doesn't work for the Public good, but for their own.

  6. I have a client that couldn't run Rocky Linux on their 45Drive system, I was able to install RHEL Enterprise and get it all up and running quickly. I love de-microsoft-ifcation

  7. Perhaps you could put together a follow-up video, with 45 drives, to illustrate how an organization transitions to an open-sourced infrastructure? I made the switch to Debian Linux distributions 2 years ago, but I continue employment as a Windows OS engineer. In every discussion, it inevitably boils down to the lack of a prescriptive approach to abandoning any platform in an enterprise environment; 45 drives has incredibly innovative offerings, but without a "recipe" they will be severely limited to small businesses under 100 employees.

    Some examples, how would one transition from VMware vSphere 8.* to ProxMox VE? How would one transition from Active Directory Windows Server 2019 domain controllers to OpenLDAP? I've gone through the YouTube videos on these very topics and what's missing is a sense of scale and support-ability that enterprises would need to "walk it out" confidently with a selected hardware vendor.

  8. no one likes to be told what to do, what to install how to run your system. Computing use to be fun, since I moved to Mac, I'm having fun, and keep finding new things. For my windows 10 machine, if I could, I would move to Linux today if it did what I needed.

  9. Have been using linux my whole life, only ever used windows for Microsoft office, which I needed for school (no libre office or only office won't work I can't collaborate using those)
    Been tempted to do a kind of parody video where I did a windows challenge, to show windows users the other side of the story

  10. When there is a direct compatibility to excel then people will move over. You need to support the finance people with the extensive macros in spreadsheet. That and label printing support for current label printers. They are so expensive and the manufacturers only have drivers in win or Mac.

  11. Bully for 45Drives. However, the idea is not new. Several years ago, Red Hat Linux moved out of the home/hobbyist arena and into the enterprise market. A few years later, German-based SuSE Linux made the same move. Many enterprise-level companies have and are making the move to something more affordable than Microsoft.

  12. Windows 11 is full-blown spyware and adware where Microsoft is hijacking our computer resources to run their own money-making schemes… Microsoft needs to be boycotted out of existence for this BS and being behind the woke push onto gaming… 💥

  13. With hardware experimentation going on,
    Someone should test if you can upgrade processing power via adding extra processor on south bridge, in pcie express.

    If 16 or 32 channel is good enough for ssd, graphic card, ai…
    I think, extra processor might work as well.

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