
FLING THAT MURKTIDE- RUG Broadside Bombardiers Fling Control

FLING THAT MURKTIDE- RUG Broadside Bombardiers Fling Control (RUG Delver- Legacy MTG)

#FLING #MURKTIDE #RUG #Broadside #Bombardiers #Fling #Control


I play a Magic: the Gathering Online Legacy league with something that vaguely resembles RUG Delver. This deck is a control deck that seeks to end the game by throwing Murktide Regent with Broadside Bombardiers for an unhealthy amount of damage. The normal RUG Tempo shell with Daze and…



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  1. 27:52 i understand that you drew pretty bad but you also binned a ponder earlier in the game, I think I would bin the cannoneer there and keep the ponder on top to trigger the drc’s again the following turn.

  2. At 22:40 couldn’t you have wastelanded your opponent’s fetchland instead of your own land if your only aim was to get a land into your graveyard? They’d have cracked in response of course, but by then you’ve already sacc’d your land as a cost.

  3. Great league from RUG delver.

    One thing I'm wondering about though. I don't quite get why you didn't play Minsc & Boo earlier in Round 2/Game 3. The recurring 1/1 is a valid attacker or blocker for random nonsense and you had two gaps to play it. The clock wouldn't meaningfully change, and it'd be a chump blocker in case it's needed. It would have put you on a marginally better out by leaving the opponent at 1 less health. Might be reasons for doing what you did that I don't see though.

  4. Attack with Broadside then play Murktide and toss it sounds sweet.

    I know it would take a little more time but I think it would benefit greatly if before you played the deck if you looked at the manabase and made corrections to it. I'm not trying to criticize, but it's frustrating to see you lose games due to an incorrectly built manabase that could have been fixed with a few land swaps. Your matches are always way more interesting when they are vs the opponent vs the decks mana base.

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