
Proxmox Update No Subscription Repository Configuration for Home

Proxmox Update No Subscription Repository Configuration for Home Lab

#Proxmox #Update #Subscription #Repository #Configuration #Home


If you are new to Proxmox, one of the first things you will want to do in the home lab is switch from the paid subscription repos for updates over to Proxmox Update no subscription repository configuration. The no subscription repos are free and totally fine to use for updates in the home…



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  1. Great topic considering lots of us are moving off ESXI, I'd love to see a guide how to backup VMs from ESXI , clean wipe the host to Proxmox and import you VMs into the fresh instance

  2. ´why did you make it sooo complicated. Starting version 8 you can do this in the gui under repostory management… But itis always good to have a way without the gui or understand what the button in the gui does.

  3. For the OCD out there. The apt command will read all of the files ending in '.list' inside the '/etc/apt/sources.list.d' directory. This means that the lines can be in any file in that directory. Having the file 'pve-enterprise.list' contain the no-subscription reference is less than idea. Better would be to either remove that file or rename it to something like '' and create a new 'pve-no-subscription.list' file that contains the desired reference. Since 'ceph.list' doesn't indicate which is in use, editing that file is good. Although, if you don't want commented out lines in your files, you could also rename that one and create a new of that same name or use 'ceph-no-subscription.list' so people know what is going on just by looking at the directory.

  4. I'd totally buy a subscription to help support and keep pro features from being locked out, but the per socket pricing is archaic. I get paying for support where the size of your infrastructure may come into play, but it would be nice if they offered sub $100 a year site licenses for "enterprise" updates only (with no support). My fear is, especially with VMware's collapse, the accountants will take over and start locking out the annoying community that helped make proxmox as popular as it is.

  5. Despite this being an option in the GUI as others have pointed out, one of the big advantages of pointing out how to do this via the command line is that you now have a gateway to automate this change via Ansible.

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