
MX Linux 23.2 Full Review: My Impressions in 2024

MX Linux 23.2 Full Review: My Impressions in 2024

#Linux #Full #Review #Impressions

“Learn Linux TV”

MX Linux is a Linux distribution with a lot of bells and whistles – literally! This Linux distro is packed full of customization features, all backed by a stable Debian 12 base. In this video, Jay checks out the latest release.

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  1. I love MX, and have used it quite extensively. I found two concerns (for me) – firstly as pointed out, the upgrade path; and secondly as i was running it on a thinkpad laptop i encountered an error with tlp blocking my usb ports – was a relatively easy workaround to whitelist them, but inconvenient at first.

    I would use it again in a heartbeat, and even have gone so far as to emulate the desktop layout in OpenSuse Tumbleweed (my current distro).

  2. I just recently switched from Kubuntu to MX Linux with KDE

    It is great! Even better than Kubuntu.

    Having Debian as base and all the tools and possibilities like:

    the MX Tools, choice for SystemD or SysVinit, a huge Suite of Software and Advanced Hardware Support with 6.7.4. Liquorix Kernel result in the perfect Distro for me.

    After some Distro Hopping and uncertainties i have finally arrived and will settle down with MX Linux!
    Thank you MX Linux Team you work is very appreciated!

  3. I did a deep dive into MX and LMDE looking to settle on a new daily driver.- (drum roll)…for personal use, I see the issue as one of looking at a distro as a tool. To tell you the truth, I don't really care whether I can change the color, of say, my hammer for instance, I use a hammer to drive nails, NOT as a fashion statement, similarly, I use a distro to do work,: NOT to work on the distro. In the end, I went LMDE and haven't really looked back. As always though, it's just my personal choice, PS: I DID end up changing the colors of my tabs and buttons though, *wink*.

  4. My benchmark for any distro is if they have a gui tool to add/modify users and add them to groups. This is a must-have tool for someone setting up family accounts. I didn't see any such tool in the menus you scrolled.

  5. Been an MX fan for quite some years. I am no computer techie, so some of the utilities and tools come in very handy to me. There is however one thing that plagued me: if you know nothing about the system initialization, there is a nasty surprise. I found out that myy MX 21.3 was using the init system and therefore that created problems with setting up samba. The normal tools for samba are only available under systemd. You can however boot from systemd, the option is provided in the MX boot manager. Still, it is one of those things where a non-proficient user could lose a lot of time, researching this….

  6. I've been on Mint Mate for years, even though I used to jump from one distro to another, just to see. Now, I have Mint on one of my computers and also MX one a second one.
    In fact. I modify MX to make an ISO using their tools to make a customized a distro for the people I help.
    They really like it, being very basic users.
    Many thanks to the MX programmers. They make it possible for me to help a lot of people use their computers easily! That's the sole purpose of my efforts.
    (To be more precise, I've modified the code of a theme and am in the process of completing an icon theme for Mate).
    Once completed, I'll make them available on Git on my blog.

  7. I used MXLinux as my daily driver a few years ago. I was impressed with it then but let’s just say that it wasn’t for me. I’m glad to hear that it has remained an awesome distro. Nice review.

  8. I like how many options MX Linux gives you. It is easy to switch to systemd if you want or need to. It makes installing different kernels easy. It has the gui manager for conky. And I love all of the tools like the snapshot tool

  9. Solid as a rock, beautiful and user friendly, this is the distribution that I recommend or install to people who just want to use Linux and have peace of mind.
    Thank you for this review !😎

  10. I have this on my pi 5. It works well, except it keeps re-adjusting the display to 4k even though it is set to 1920 x 1080 in config. txt. I always have to run xrandr to fix it.

  11. Ubuntu also places the application launcher on bottom; but in my opinion, users will be using the Super key as it launches a whole different interface from their current screen (overview) rather than popping up a small menu on the bottom side. But for a whisker menu, placing it on the bottom is not really adding points on usability.

  12. I mean, everything else about this distro looks good? But that one glaring fact, that it cannot upgrade without a complete re0-install? Nah…that's a non-starter for me. I've been using Fedora Linux since 2003 / '04 and even though there was the "Dependency Hell" era? where it seemed you logged in to perform constant reboots after installing a "dependency" that some other app or library needed?…I toughed it out and remained…and from then until now? There was always a way to upgrade to the next version……I guess if someone has the time?…then going with this distro might be fun….but I can't see using this as a daily driver.
    Great video Jay…love the content! (P.S. where can I get LearnLinuxTV "swag"? there any in existence? I have (somehow?) obtained a "pupil" of sorts (my nephew) and he wants to "look" as cool as some of the guys in the vids I've sent him…Hahah!

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