
Tell me your home lab mistakes 😬

Tell me your home lab mistakes 😬

#home #lab #mistakes

“Raid Owl”



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  1. I can't easily put it into words, but it involved one of the two hard drives in a BTRFS array failing, and it was the primary drive. I hadn't done a BTRFS balance in many months at that point, and lost almost all of the files, but fortunately was able to combine that with a backup I saved to an external hard drive some months prior (when I was preparing to go on a holiday and would bring one of them as a local cache of my NAS). The few files I did lose were unimportant.

  2. Trying to set up my personal pc to be an unraid pc/home lab setup, deleted all of my important data without realizing it and lost nearly a decade of important pictures and documents

  3. I passed through and wrote to the wrong usb in unraid. And without having prophylactics. I learned that day, the power of backups and the importance of not having identical, USB discs, inserted into the machine unless you want to be stupid.

  4. My biggest Mistake: Trying to move my network to IPv6 when none of my antiquated enterprise gear had meaningful support for IPv6.

    IPv6 is a bloody nightmare for hardware ~10 years old, even though the standard is ancient, nothing was ever made to work right in that era. Heck even now a lot of software isn't fully compatible.

  5. Probably going down the NAS rabbit hole and jumping from not having one, to having one that is way way overkill
    I under no circumstances need a rack mounted Threadripper based NAS in my home with 96TB of available storage

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