
The Lamborghini 63 docking at the F1 track

The Lamborghini 63 docking at the F1 track

#Lamborghini #docking #track


Ideo: @mrsuperyachts

#f1 #lamborghini #boat #car #monaco #live



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  1. Beautiful Lamborghini yacht even if I had the money to splurge on it I won't buy it because this is the real reason why most wealthy people have many financial issues some of them don't have a backup plan. If anyone comes in two wealth be smart enough to get a financial advisor that you can trust to be sure they are managing your money right you cannot trust everyone when it comes to trillions of dollars in their own bank account you don't have to get expensive materialistic items because your friends got it. Because by the time they retire they will have nothing to show for it this is why you hear so many important people going broke cause they don't have a backup plan. Pls (save your money) and build up wealth for the future.

  2. M'ha dove vedete bello? non è che se costa è per forza bello, non capite che quello yacht lo ha comprato con i soldi della povera gente a 1.400 al mese che esce 1 settimana al mese per risparmiare? Svegliatevi

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