
RABID MINING I’m coming for all your CPU Mining PROFITS

RABID MINING I’m coming for all your CPU Mining PROFITS SOON…

#RABID #MINING #coming #CPU #Mining #PROFITS

“Red Panda Mining”

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  1. RPM or other Youtubers if you see this, PLEASE Distribute your hashrate to other pools not only to the top 2. If even 10% of your followers follow this step, it will be great for all coins networks! Regards!

  2. Very nice no i didn't know about them till you told me about them I have had one sitting there for a week and waiting for you to release a video on it first before I test them and drop a video as well thank you

  3. You should definitely get a thermal camera…. It is the best tool for miners… Unbelievable how many bad connections on these 6/8 pins PCIe plugs I fix on thermal camera…. There is no way you can say these are good PSUs if you do not at least measure how hot the single line 12v cable/6-pin connector as well as the PSU itself get.

  4. 145w out of an 800w is very inefficient. most are the best at about half the rated. so a 500w is most efficient at 250w.
    Heat sinks are good very good even for the prize. (good did not see the full video you already know all of this 😛 )
    For the AMD stuff. look for curve optimizer in the bios. set all cores to -20 saves power and they clock higher. no need to lower voltage yourself.

  5. RPM, once you get more of your CPU rigs going you will regret the big coolers, they take too much space when you are trying to stack MBs. the standard Ryzen Wraith Prism is all you need, they do the job perfectly & still have the extra hash from RGB.

  6. What happened to your GPU/ASIC Mining RPM? Anyways u have free electricity to pay for 20,000 watts power consumption . CPU mining is for the average person who pays 18 to 32 cents per unit for electricity and can't afford big mining farms.

  7. I get higher RandomX rates when I only use half the threads. So only one thread per core. Maybe try if that applies with yours too, like set it in the config file or disable hyperthreading in the BIOS.

  8. @Red Panda be careful with those pico psus. At 300w those two wires will carry 12.5 amps each. Not likely to use 300w but something to note. The extra power is probably from the pico, it has to switch some voltages.

  9. @RPM
    When I started building cpu rigs I looked for a decent psu to use and knew I wasn't going to go server due to the noise, I found this beauty Seasonic G12 GM-650 80 Plus Gold Semi-Modular Power Supply which comes with the 24 pin connector, 2x cpu connectors and a pcie attached so you have everything there to power 2 cpu rigs and is pretty cheap, I am using one now and will get another for next 2 rigs.

  10. RPM why you the less efficient Server PSU? Since the input power is 6pin why now just you the ATX PSU? Confirm the 2 pins that is being using with correct for the polarity (positive negative) and plug it directly if you use the ATX 6pin to that unit, and 850w can support 3-4 off one ATX PSU as long as you keep it 600w or less on a 850w PSU

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