
How Most Of The World’s Silver Was Mined From A

How Most Of The World’s Silver Was Mined From A Mountain In Bolivia For Centuries | Risky Business

#Worlds #Silver #Mined

“Insider News”

Miners in Bolivia spend hours searching for silver, tin, and zinc inside Cerro Rico, a 15,000-foot mountain that used to be the world’s largest source of silver. But little has changed for miners since colonial times, with thousands putting their lives at risk inside mines that could collapse at…



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  1. These towns and cities high up in the Andes are some of the ugliest living areas I've ever seen.. Not a single tree, nothing green, only dust and sand… Even Katmandu looks more pleasing than these towns….

  2. This is straight out of a dystopian science fiction movie. A place on a planet whose people are condemned to break rocks and die young for centuries due to an evil empire. The emperor changes every century, but the rocky prison continues without remorse. At least now there are cooperatives in charge, so that there is no outside entity that runs the thing. This is as peaceful a resolution as the industry intrinsically will allow.
    Stories like this are why I do not buy many electronic devices and follow Reduce, then Reuse, then Recycle.

  3. One example of slaved people learning a trade they can use later in life. I in no way agree w the way they learned there trade it is disgusting. But awhile back politicians made a stink about this exact topic and gas lighting and flipping the subject.

  4. With the price of Indium at $450 a kg and silver at $750 a kg. I feel as if these hardworking men are getting screwed. They only eyeball their ore. They don’t refine it themselves to see what they actually have 🤔

  5. Spain and the Catholic Church should pay for the healthcare expenses of the ppl here as they have benefited so much from mining and exploiting ppl. Shame on you Catholics

  6. I hope the miner they followed was compensated in some way to help him and his wife. This is so heart-wrenching to see what humans have to endure just to survive. I am with all miners, your spirit built this entire civilization along with farmers. Love & Light

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